PRO-6: Illegal gambling declines in W. Visayas

CEBU, Philippines - Illegal gambling activities in Western Visayas continued to decrease in the past few months, and that a number of illegal gambling operators have stopped, according to Chief Supt. Cipriano Querol, Jr., Police Regional Office-6 director.

Querol cited Bacolod City as an example. Last year, it has around 16 jai-alai operators,but lately, the number was trimmed to two, he said.

These jai-alai operations have code names Bull’s Eye and Pronton. At times, the operators of these have changed code names in a bid to deceive authorities into believing they have ceased to operate and that another operator has entered the picture.

Meanwhile, in the city and province of Iloilo and Guimaras province, operations of STL bookies have been on an irregular basis. “Now, you see them, the next day, they stop operation. Pasulpot-sulpot lang sila,” Querol said.

The PRO-6 has already neutralized the illegal gambling operations in the provinces of Capiz, Aklan, and Antique, he said. (FREEMAN)

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