Codilla orders DPWH to remove billboards

ORMOC CITY ,Philippines  – The Department of Public Works and Highways–4th Leyte Engineering District (DPWH–4th LED) has only until February 15 to clear the city of billboards or signage announcing government projects with the names of government officials.

This was the ultimatum issued by Mayor Eric Codilla during a recent meeting with the City Peace and Order Council that was attended by the District Engineer Lino Francisco Gonzales.

Codilla reminded Gonzales of DILG memorandum circular 2010-101, dated 23 September 2010, entitled “Banning names or initials and/or images or pictures of government officials in billboard and signage of government programs, projects and properties.”

The mayor dared Gonzales to police his own ranks and comply, not later than February 15, with the order signed by DILG Secretary Jesse Robredo.

A provision in the circular authorizes a mayor to impose the order: “…all local chief executives are hereby directed to revisit all government projects and properties and to ensure that this policy is strictly observed”.

Codilla said he was puzzled why billboards, bearing photos and names of a government official on projects under the auspices of the DPWH, are still in place despite the order of President Noynoy Aquino banning the practice via a directive he issued during the 4th Cabinet Meeting on 5 August 2010.

Aquino’s order states in part: “…The practice of putting up billboards, signage and other information materials bearing the names, initials or pictures of government personalities on all government projects, and government properties (firetrucks, ambulances, vehicles, etc.) are hereby prohibited.” 

The FREEMAN tried to get the side of Gonzales yesterday (February 3), but he was reportedly out of town on official business. Another high ranking official of DPWH refused to comment on the issue saying that it was a concern for the level-one top management of the department.  

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