Cop posing nude on FB, uploader to face raps

ILOILO CITY, Philippines  – Police Regional Office-6 director Chief Supt. Cipriano Querol, Jr. has ordered an investigation of two neophyte policemen who were allegedly involved in a controversial naked photograph of one of them that was circulated in the social networking site Facebook.

The investigation, which he said would eventually lead to the filing of the case for conduct unbecoming of a police officer, would be against PO1 Christian Tay Gallofin and PO1 Roland Rivera.

Querol identified Gallofin as the one who posed nude while Rivera was the one uploaded the picture on Facebook. Both were new recruits and are now undergoing Field Training Program (FTP).

While on FTP, they have been assigned to the Bacolod City Police Station 1. “Undoubtedly, they set a bad example to the public that they serve,” Querol said, as he assured the public that his command will not turn a blind eye to what these rookie policemen did.

Senior Supt. Ricardo dela Paz, chief of the Bacolod City Police Office, also ordered probe against the now sought-after photograph. It was not known on whose account the photo was uploaded.

Dela Paz said the policeman’s FB account showed a naked picture of a man inside a room with two persons seen in the background.

It was surmised that the picture was taken at the barracks of the training camp in Bacolod City where neophyte policemen were housed during their schooling last month. What they did may constitute a grave misconduct, said Dela Paz.

As this developed, it was gathered that the FB account was already deactivated after gaining many followers. – THE FREEMAN

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