

Teves under court custody, not arrested – lawyer

Daphne Galvez - The Philippine Star
Teves under court custody, not arrested � lawyer
This photo shows the "re-arrest" of expelled lawmaker Arnolfo Teves Jr. in Timor-Leste.
Released / Department of Justice

MANILA, Philippines — Expelled congressman Arnolfo Teves Jr. of Negros Oriental was not rearrested as the Department of Justice (DOJ) claimed, but was only placed under the custody of the court in Timor-Leste to wait for hearings concerning his extradition, lawyer Ferdinand Topacio said yesterday.

Topacio earlier said Teves, the accused mastermind in the assassination of Negros Oriental governor Roel Degamo, was released from Becora Prison in Dili.

He said Teves’ release came after the court found his detention “illegal” since the Philippines’ request for extradition “was made out of time and in a manner that is not sanctioned by practice and customary international law.”

The DOJ disputed Topacio’s claim, saying Teves’ release was “part of the country’s process” and that the former congressman was rearrested and taken into custody by the Polícia Nacional of Timor-Leste (PNTL) to stand trial for extradition.

“He was not re-arrested). This is not an arrest in the strictest sense of the word. He was placed under the custody of the court to ensure that he will be attending the (extradition) proceedings,” Topacio told journalists yesterday.

He said Teves’ release coincided with the first hearing on his extradition.

Topacio said that under Timor-Leste’s rules for extradition, the requesting state or the court may place a person subject of extradition proceedings under its custody, to ensure he or she will attend the proceedings.

“He was not rearrested for any crime. He was not rearrested for crimes he allegedly committed in the Philippines, but because of the extradition process, which is a separate civil procedure,” he said, noting Teves is not in prison, but only in a “holding area.”

Topacio chided the DOJ for calling his statements “misleading and highly irresponsible,” saying it was clearly stated in the court order that Teves was released from detention.

“It’s clear in the dispositive portion of the court order on immediate restoration of liberty to congressman Teves because there are flaws in the Philippines’ request for extradition. This concerns a (writ of) habeas corpus (right against illegal detention) case,” he said.

Topacio said Teves’ release was not procedural as what the DOJ claimed.

He said Philippine government “really screwed up the extradition request” and should stop “trying to cover up for that.”

Teves’ extradition to Manila is being worked out by the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) through the Philippine embassy in Dili. Another route is also being undertaken by the Interpol’s national central bureau in Dili.

Teves was arrested in March by the Timor-Leste police based on a red notice or warrant issued by the Interpol, which hunted him for the murder of Degamo and nine others.

Aside from murder, Teves and several other respondents were charged for the deaths of three people in Negros Oriental in 2019.

In August 2023, the Anti-Terrorism Council designated Teves as a terrorist, after he was expelled from the House of Representatives for disorderly conduct and continued absence despite an expired travel authority.

Teves applied for asylum in Timor-Leste in 2023. His application was denied in May of the same year, according to the DFA. He sought for reconsideration.

In a statement issued yesterday, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla insisted that Teves was rearrested, saying “the move underscores the robust partnership between our nations and our collective commitment to eradicate impunity, regardless of one’s social status or influence.”

“We assure the public and the international community that all legal procedures will be strictly adhered to, and Mr. Teves’ rights will be respected throughout this process,” Remulla said.

“We anticipate the swift return of Mr. Teves to the Philippines and stand resolute in ensuring that justice is served. We look forward to Mr. Teves facing the charges against him in a court of law, and not anywhere else,” he added.

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