Mobile classroom helps kids with schoolwork

MANILA, Philippines - One Wednesday morning, 78 Grade 3 pupils from Cabilao Elementary School waited excitedly for a bright blue truck which traveled three hours from Iloilo City to visit their typhoon-damaged school.

The truck, called “Classroom on the Go,” was one of Globe Telecom’s mobile stores outfitted to accommodate various art and learning materials to help the children with their school lessons. By providing school supplies and engagements, Globe hopes to encourage the students to stay in school and participate more in class.

“It was a very fulfilling experience since we got the chance to impart something to the kids even if it was just a short period of time. It was a struggle making 78 kids listen but it was all worth it. We hope that we were able to make a difference in their lives,” said Grace Feraer of Globe ISG Solutions Delivery, one of the skill-based volunteers tapped by Globe for the project.

Even a new management trainee of Globe, Jonan Regalario, found time to be a volunteer. “This is a concrete example of how we can take part in nation-building. It shows that we are not only people who work in the office but who also do something impactful to the lives of others. “

Initially, Globe employee volunteers from Manila, Bacolod, Iloilo and Capiz visited three schools – Cabilao Elementary School in Carles, Iloilo; Camburanan Elementary School in Tapaz, Capiz; and Hacienda Conchita Elementary School in San Dionisio, Iloilo – to create wonderful experiences for students in Typhoon Yolanda-affected schools by helping them get their academics back on track.

Two of the schools hold classes in shifts, making teachers worry about how students can keep up with the lessons especially now that the school year is winding down.

For Cabilao, the volunteers assisted with the National Assessment Test review sessions, while art workshops were held in Camburanan and Hacienda Conchita in line with the schools’ curriculum.

Sheryl Barbasa of National Retail added: “It was fun teaching the kids. I hope somehow when they pass the NAT or when they grow up and get jobs, they will also pay it forward.”

Classroom on the Go is part of the education component of Rebuild, one of the pillars of Globe Telecom’s Project Wonderful which aims to assist in nation-building and to help Filipinos live better lives.

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