Giving Back to the World

MANILA, Philippines - February 25, 1986 changed the course of history when the Philippines toppled a dictator and installed its first female president through a bloodless revolution which would be known around the world as People Power.  A song entitled “Handog ng Pilipino sa Mundo,” was also played on air, that APO Hiking Society member and songwriter Jim Paredes said many people even those who were born after the revolution said “they were touched” by the song.

“It’s a continuing narrative. It (the song) inspired the movement of things. EDSA still inspired the election of Noynoy. It inspired for the whistleblowers to come out,” says Paredes when asked if the song is still relevant to the current situations of the country.

Paredes said that when he wrote the song, he knew that the song was going to get many reactions but he did not expect it to be that big. “When Cory died, biglang nag-increase within 30 days yung viewing of the song.” He also adds that many have approached him about the song, asking questions and telling him how the song played a role in their lives. The lyrics of the song have also been written on the People Power Shrine that Paredes said that he found himself in a strange company on one wall, joining Ninoy Aquino and Jaime Cardinal Sin.

With the recent events especially Egypt, Paredes saw how People Power has played its role. “It’s one truth and real authenticity. The world recognizes it and sees there’s a commonity.”

Twenty five years since People Power, the song “Handog ng Pilipino sa Mundo” continues to air with various versions from Filipino-American singers to amateurs singing the son. Paredes believes it will continue to play a role in the next generations.  “The world is going fast. There’s a generation every three to four years. Many still like the song and I know the next generations will like it.” Indeed, the song has become part of history.

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