
When Mabel Clark’s husband passed away, people would comfort her, saying, “I’m so sorry you lost your husband.” Mabel would answer, “I didn’t lose him; I know exactly where he’s at – He’s in heaven!” Mabel believed the report of the One who came from heaven – Jesus Christ.

In the same way, you wouldn’t have had to convince Johnny Cash there is a heaven. In his book, Man in Black, Cash told how his brother Jack sustained a severe injury in a wood shop accident. He was in a coma for a week and was not expected to live longer.

In the hospital room, Cash said, “I bent over his bed and put my cheek against his and said, ‘Good-bye, Jack.’ But suddenly he wakened from the coma and asked, ‘Why is everybody crying over me? Did you see the river?’”

Jack began to describe a river separating heaven and hell. Then Jack asked, “Mama, can you hear the angels singing?” His last words were, “Oh Mama, I wish you could hear the angels singing.” And then he died. It was this encounter with the supernatural that impacted the life of Johnny Cash.

In the Upper Room, shortly before the crucifixion, Jesus talked about heaven. He let the disciples know that He is the way, the truth and the life; the only way to heaven. Find out for yourself, dear friend, by reading from the only One who can give you a firsthand account.


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