The optimism of the New Year

We remember an expat who once said, after a crisis that would have affected his company’s business, that “like the bamboo, the Filipino is resilient.” True enough, like the bamboo, we bend in a storm but always rise after our misfortune, coming out strong and determined. We see the optimism in the New Year, in the many faces of our people, resolute about rising from the rubble of the earthquake and super typhoon. We see it in the business community as they come alive with lots of vigor and energy. We see it in the faithful who attend Masses even in make-shift houses of worship. We see it in the enthusiastic welcome everyone displays as the New Year gets a rousing entrance. We see it in every Filipino who hopes that the New Year will give us better times. 

There is hope indeed that 2014 will usher in a better life for all of us. There is indeed great optimism for the New Year. 

What would contribute to the realization of this feeling of optimism? As a consumer, we exhort the power supplier to consider the plight of the ordinary people and, if possible, review the huge increase that they have imposed on their users. Staggered increase over three months is no relief at all, for in the long run the burden of paying more would still be effected.

We would want to have a good price control system to protect us from escalating costs of prime commodities. Quality control will have to be strictly adhered to by suppliers and sellers, for the benefit of the buying public. Sanitary inspectors will have to religiously check that  public markets are clean and do not become health hazards.

The holidays brought about the escalation of prices of prime commodities. Dressed chicken went up to P150/P160 a kilo in some outlets, mango was shockingly tagged at P177 in one of the stores in Metro Manila. Bangus was sold at P160 kilo, while tinapa went up to P150 per.

Welcome news is the Culinary Heritage Program of Mama Sita, in an effort to preserve our cuisine, in the course protecting farmers and fisherfolk. This is the competition on “Mga Kwentong Pagkain Year 2” inspired by Mama Sita herself, Teresita Reyes who wrote about her culinary adventures.

This has food as central and compelling theme, a search for interesting, unique food stories, detailing diverse background, varied customs and traditions. As in its inception year, the contest will endeavor to have a detailed compilation of Filipino food, chronicling its evolution and effects.

It will run until March 31, 2014. Entries can be written or in visual and audio forms. For details log on to or write to Kusina ni Mama Sita, 131 E F. Manalo, San Juan, Metro Manila.

Or submit entries to Mga Kwentong Pagkain, Marigold Manufacturing Corporation, 538 North South Compound, Jenny’s Avenue, Maybunga Pasig city. Cash prizes are at stake.

A Happy New Year to you all!

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