
Starweek Magazine

Completing the lunar cycle

- JVM Francisco -
Strike up the band; bring out the lechon, crispy pata, chicharon and the pata tim too. It’s time to celebrate! The Year of the Pig begins today and according to the Chinese it’s going to be a good year.

After the difficult Year of the Dog, when we experienced moderate progress and more than a fair share of natural and political turbulence, this year will be marked by prosperity and abundance. The Year of the Pig which will end on February 6, 2008, completes the 12-year lunar cycle in the Chinese calendar. Being the closing year, numerous opportunities will abound and unfinished business will come to fruition.

In general, progress will be the key word all over the world this year. The Philippines will have its share of economic success. The peso will further strengthen, the stock market will see new heights, and many industries will reap the bounty they have been longing for for years.

Politically, the country will experience some progress as well. Despite a relatively turbulent mid-term election, the rest of the year will see things settling down as political leaders buckle down to work. The Administration will achieve success in many of the projects it will launch towards the second half of the year.

In business, there will be many growth industries this year. Leisure and entertainment will experience the biggest improvement as people go into a party mood for most part of the year. Construction and real estate will also see some progress this year. Real property investments made in the previous years will bear sizable returns.

Other favorable industries include tourism, banking and finance, manufacturing and labor-oriented enterprises. The Year of the Pig will also be a good year for new entrepreneurs and establishing or investing in small-and medium-scale companies will prove to be favorable.

However, because Fire is the element this year, people will have the tendency to be passionate about issues and beliefs. The upcoming elections will see many tempers flare up, causing some degree of violence and protests. Cause oriented groups will confront the Government about important issues and will organize major protest rallies. In some parts of the world, political upheavals will shake governments, causing changes in leadership.

The environment will also be a major issue this year with some of the world’s economic powers as targets of international uproar and protests. As a result, a major breakthrough in policy for environmental protection will be adopted. Despite this positive step, we will continue to experience devastating climate changes. Catastrophic typhoons and hurricanes will devastate some parts of the world, even in areas rarely touched by these natural disasters. There will be a major volcanic eruption causing numerous injuries and damage to properties. A major earthquake will also happen in an Asia Pacific country.

On the personal front, the Year of the Pig will see a freer and more relaxed atmosphere. As such, people will have a tendency to overindulge in things and activities. It will be a time to enjoy life to the hilt. Social events will become frequent and prominent again. However, being a year of abundance, people, particularly weight-watchers, should be careful about their health as temptations will be a-plenty.

In general, this is a good year to start a family and to organize family gatherings that will bring members closer to one another. Many lingering family misunderstandings or conflicts will see resolution this year as well. It is also a good time to make new friends.

The Year of the Fire Pig will also find many people motivated by patriotism and we will see a resurgence of many civic groups being involved in charitable work for the underprivileged sectors of society. Many well-to-do individuals will find time to do philanthropic activities for the environment, arts and culture, and human rights.
January 24, 1936 to February 10, 1937 Fire Rat

February 10, 1948 to January 28, 1949 Earth Rat

January 28, 1960 to February 14, 1961 Metal Rat

February 15, 1972 to February 2, 1973 Water Rat

February 2, 1984 to February 18, 1985 Wood Rat

February 18, 1996 to February 7, 1997 Fire Rat

The person born in the year of the Rat is hardworking and thrifty, rarely lets an opportunity pass and is constantly involved in many plans and schemes. Charming, intelligent and sociable, he is easy to get along with and enjoys parties and social gatherings. He cherishes friends, associates and family relations and often gets enmeshed in people’s lives and affairs.

This will be a variable year for the Rat. Those involved in business should be extra vigilant about running your company as there might be some pitfalls that could be financially unfavorable. This is also not the time to make huge investments; rather a time to consolidate your portfolio.

However, Rats who are employed will see good career opportunities either through a promotion or positive change of employment. On personal finances, you should watch expenditures carefully as there will be a tendency for wanton spending. At home, this is a pleasing year for you and members of your family, a time when reunions will bring a lot of pleasant surprises. If you’ve been planning to change residence, this is a good year to do so. Foreign travel is also going to be enjoyable and will provide an opportunity to meet a new special friend.

Healthwise, those with a lingering illness should have a regular check up and be vigilant about following doctor’s orders. You should also be careful about your things as there will be occasions for losing some valuables.
January 31, 1938 to February 18, 1939 Earth Tiger

February 17, 1950 to February 5, 1951 Metal Tiger

February 5, 1962 to January 24, 1963 Water Tiger

January 23, 1974 to February 10, 1975 Wood Tiger

February 9, 1986 to January 28, 1987 Fire Tiger

January 28, 1998 to February 15, 1999 Earth Tiger

The Tiger symbolizes power, passion and daring. A Tiger therefore usually displays a rebellious, colorful and unpredictable character. He is a fearless and fiery fighter but on the other hand has a humanitarian and romantic streak in him. At his best, he is warm, sensitive and sympathetic; at his worst, he is obstinate, unreasonable and selfish.

The Tiger will experience a favorable year. This is the time to consolidate your personal and career plans. If you’ve been planning to start a business venture, now is the time to do so. However, if you’re already engaged in business, you should be careful not to expand too fast or go into high-risk investments. Read contracts or legal documents carefully as caution is vital for you this year. On personal finances, you should minimize your free-spending ways as these may result in unfavorable situations.

This is also the year to engage in social or extra-curricular activities. You will have a pleasant family life but keep communication lines open in order to avoid a potentially major family conflict. Try to engage yourself in some physical activity like joining a health club or taking on a new sport and this will avert serious health problems.

For unattached Tigers, May, June and October will provide opportunities for a chance encounter with a special someone.
February 11, 1937 to January 30, 1938 Fire Ox

January 29, 1949 to February 16, 1950 Earth Ox

February 15, 1961 to February 4, 1962 Metal Ox

February 3, 1973 to January 22, 1974 Water Ox

February 20, 1985 to February 8, 1986 Wood Ox

February 7, 1997 to January 27, 1998 Fire Ox

The Ox is an animal that symbolizes prosperity through determination and hard work. A person born under the Ox sign therefore is dependable, calm and methodical. He is a tireless worker and can be entrusted with positions of authority and responsibility. Strong-willed, he can sometimes exhibit bad temper.

The Ox will experience a satisfying year. At work, you will perform well and there will be opportunities for an unexpected promotion. However, you should watch out for some associates who might derail your plans. For those engaged in business, you should always consult your family or close friends on major personal or business decisions. High-risk investments are not encouraged this year. On the whole, patience should be your guiding word this year.

On the personal front, you will experience a pleasant family life— cheerful, balanced and generally relaxed. Short vacations with close friends or family will do you and your relationship with them good. Long foreign travels are not encouraged this year for the Ox. You should also be careful about your spending as the bounty that you will reap or come upon during the first part of the year may be lost later in the year.
February 19, 1939 to February 7, 1940 Earth Rabbit

February 6, 1951 to January 26, 1952 Metal Rabbit

January 25, 1963 to February 12, 1964 Water Rabbit

February 11, 1975 to January 30, 1976 Wood Rabbit

January 29, 1987 to February 16, 1988 Fire Rabbit

February 16, 1999 to February 4, 2000 Earth Rabbit

To the Chinese, the Rabbit symbolizes graciousness, good manners, sound counsel, kindness and sensitivity to beauty. The Rabbit is a witty and intelligent speaker and loves being involved in a good discussion. He is an efficient worker and has an extremely good memory.

The Rabbit will experience a variable year in 2007. At work, you will encounter some difficulties but you should endeavor to focus on younger people and try to mentor or guide them as this will give positive karma in the near future. You should also be a good Samaritan to your colleagues and friends by offering good advice or lending a helping hand when necessary. You will however experience some financial difficulty this year, so wise spending is advised.

On the social front, you will experience much happiness this year as you will be the center of attention among your friends and family. You should however avoid making promises or guarantees. Your family life will be pleasant and relatively stable, and local and foreign travel will bring much satisfaction and relaxation. This is a good year to engage in some outdoor hobbies or pastimes. For single Rabbits, this may be the year that you will fall madly and passionately in love.
February 8, 1940 to January 26, 1941 Metal Dragon

January 27, 1952 to February 13, 1953 Water Dragon

February 13, 1964 to February 1, 1965 Wood Dragon

January 31, 1976 to February 17, 1977 Fire Dragon

February 17, 1988 to February 5, 1989 Earth Dragon

February 5, 2000 to January 23, 2001 Metal Dragon

The Dragon is born under the sign of good luck and will do well in practically anything he attempts. He is magnanimous, full of vitality and is constantly on the go. Proud and aristocratic, the Dragon possesses an assertive personality. He could be egotistical, eccentric, dogmatic, whimsical, terribly demanding or unreasonable, but is never without a band of admirers.

Rejoice! Your luck is back after a variable Year of the Dog. Many opportunities will come your way so be vigilant and take them on quickly. You will experience fewer problems at work compared to last year but financially, you will begin to take stock and become more stable. Those engaged in business, this is a good time to expand or go into consortiums. Investments in new ventures or industries also look promising. Employed Dragons will meet new challenges or experiences at work that will provide good career opportunities in the future.

You will enjoy a blissful domestic life and to your satisfaction, you will play an active role in many family affairs. You will have many travel opportunities and will entertain a good deal this year. However, single Dragons must be careful about reviving past amorous relations as this will cause disappointment or further heartaches. Lucky months for chance romantic encounters are March, April and September.
February 15, 1942 to February 4, 1943 Water Horse

February 3, 1954 to January 23, 1955 Wood Horse

January 21, 1966 to February 8, 1967 Fire Horse

February 7, 1978 to January 27, 1979 Earth Horse

January 27, 1990 to February 14, 1991 Metal Horse

February 12, 2002 to January 31, 2003 Water Horse

The Horse is cheerful, popular and quick-witted. He is very perceptive and loves to talk. He is quite physical and exudes raw sex appeal —the type who will fall in love easily and fall out of love just as easily. Impulsive and stubborn, he will want to have things done his way.

The Horse should be patient and vigilant this year. While there are many positive developments which could be capitalized on, outside interference may delay domestic or business progress. Business ventures or investments may encounter some hurdles so caution is advised before making any major decision. At work, you should wait for next year before taking on new assignments or challenges. Your personal finances will be stable, but it is always advisable to watch your expenditures.

Although this could be a trying year for the Horse, you should strike a balance between work and leisure and you will find much satisfaction and contentment. You will get a lot of support from your family and close friends so nurture your relationship with them this year. There will be good opportunities to meet new friends and renew acquaintances so try to attend as many social events as possible. Your lucky months are November, December and January of 2008.
January 27, 1941 to February 14, 1942 Metal Snake

February 14, 1953 to February 2, 1954 Water Snake

February 2, 1965 to January 20, 1966 Wood Snake

February 18, 1977 to February 6, 1978 Fire Snake

February 6, 1989 to January 26, 1990 Earth Snake

January 24, 2001 to February 11, 2002 Metal Snake

The Snake is the deepest thinker and the most mysterious in the Chinese zodiac. He is endowed with an inborn wisdom and intelligence. He treasures his privacy and possesses a calm and placid nature. Graceful, soft-spoken but with a good sense of humor, he loves good books, food, music and theater.

2007 will be a variable but hectic year for you. Caution should be your byword in the Year of the Pig. Poor judgment may cause some financial problems so think carefully before making any decision. At work, some career opportunities may present themselves. Weigh them carefully and take on those that will have long-term consequences. Financially, it will be good to watch your expenditures and try to set aside part of your earnings for emergencies. A problem with the law may arise and cause financial difficulties.

On the domestic front, you will have a satisfying family life and will enjoy the constant support of your relatives and friends. However, you must always try to keep communication lines open as there is a tendency for misunderstandings. Your health will generally be good but be careful about your diet. Your social life will be hectic, but you will generally have a good, relaxing time attending all these functions. Your lucky months are March, May, June and December.
February 5, 1943 to January 24, 1944 Water Sheep

January 24, 1955 to February 11, 1956 Wood Sheep

February 9, 1967 to January 29, 1968 Fire Sheep

January 28, 1979 to February 15, 1980 Earth Sheep

February 15, 1991 to February 3, 1992 Metal Sheep

February 1, 2003 to January 21, 2004 Water Sheep

The Sheep is the most feminine sign in the Chinese zodiac. Known for his gentle and compassionate ways, he is considered the good Samaritan in the cycle. He is righteous, sincere and is easily affected by sob stories. Although he enjoys being with nature, the Sheep is usually a homebody.

The year of the Pig is a favorable one for the Sheep, one that is marked by opportunities and good prospects. This year you will recover from past troubles or you will finally come to solve a lingering problem. Seize a business opportunity or proposition but do be careful and study closely how to proceed. Sheep who are employed will benefit from taking on added responsibilities or from a training program that will come your way. For advancement, student Sheep should work closely and take counsel from elder schoolmates.

At home, you will experience happy and memorable times. However, you must not neglect family members this year. It is also wise to listen to them no matter how busy you are. This is also a good time to buy the thing that you’ve been wanting to purchase for a long time. There is a good chance that you will have access to funds that have been withheld from you for sometime. Romantic prospects look good during the third quarter of the year.
January 25, 1944 to February 12, 1945 Wood Monkey

February 12, 1956 to January 30, 1957 Fire Monkey

January 30, 1968 to February 16, 1969 Earth Monkey

February 16, 1980 to February 4, 1981 Metal Monkey

February 4, 1992 to January 22, 1993 Water Monkey

January 22, 2004 to February 8, 2005 Wood Monkey

The Monkey has the closest affinity to man and therefore inherits most of his intelligence. He is quick-witted, clever and innovative, and can solve intricate problems with ease. The Monkey is innately warm, natural and spontaneous. He exudes self-confidence and has an enviable joie de vivre.

2007 will be an active but trying year for you. While some wonderful opportunities will present themselves to you, be circumspect and proceed with caution and patience. In business, you will achieve considerable progress, but this is not a year for joint ventures. Planning is the key to your success this year. Always review carefully the fine print in any legal document, contract or agreement. For those who are employed, a tough work assignment, if done well, could lead to promotion during the last quarter.

You will have stable finances this year, but avoid impulsive buying as this may have unpleasant consequences. Your family life will be satisfying and there will be some very memorable experiences this year. Take good care of your health this year and follow doctor’s orders vigilantly. Do not exhaust yourself unnecessarily. You will be busy with your social life and single Monkeys could see a friendly relation turn romantic towards the last quarter of the year.
February 2, 1946 to January 21, 1947 Fire Dog

February 18, 1958 to February 7, 1959 Earth Dog

February 6, 1970 to January 26, 1971 Metal Dog

January 25, 1982 to February 12, 1983 Water Dog

February 10, 1994 to January 30, 1995 Wood Dog

January 29, 2006 to February 17, 2007 Fire Dog

The Dog is honest, genuine, loyal, sincere and respects law and order —qualities of an ideal citizen of the country! He is not materialistic and possesses humanitarian instincts. He is the type who will lay down his life for a friend or relative. However, he can suffer bouts of melancholy or when the situation calls for it, show flashes of temper.

2007 will be a year of great potential for the Dog. You will see most of your past plans come to fruition and your goals for the year achieved. In business, this is the period for well-studied speculations and new business ventures. At work, you will see your diligent work recognized and rewarded. Your personal finances will also look good throughout the year. The success you will achieve this year will give you confidence and a positive outlook in the years to come.

Your family and social life will be calm and often enjoyable. Married Dogs should always find time to enjoy life with your partners at home or in social gatherings. There will be significant family celebrations this year, like weddings or the birth of a new member. However, Fire Dogs must be careful in your dealings with some family members as there is a tendency for misunderstandings on critical issues. Do consult other members of your family before making any decision.
February 13, 1945 to February 1, 1946 Wood Rooster

January 31, 1957 to February 17, 1958 Fire Rooster

February 17, 1969 to February 5, 1970 Earth Rooster

February 5, 1981 to January 24, 1982 Metal Rooster

January 23, 1993 to February 9, 1994 Water Rooster

February 9, 2005 to January 28, 2006 Wood Rooster

The Rooster is the most misunderstood of all the animal signs. Outwardly, he exhibits self-assurance and aggression; but at heart, he could be conservative and old-fashioned. Rooster men are usually attractive, even dashingly handsome. On the whole, the Rooster is sharp, neat, precise, organized, decisive, and is good at handling money. He loves to budget everything he could lay his hands on.

This is going to be a relatively difficult but exciting year for the Rooster, one that is marked by ups and downs. At work, there could be a temporary set back but later in the year some financial rewards or promotion could be forthcoming. For businessmen, this is potentially a good year if plans are followed carefully. Financial returns on investments will be steady and business expansion is favorable. Roosters who are unemployed will get the work opportunity that will greatly satisfy them.

Your home and social life will also give you much satisfaction. This is also the time to renew ties with long forgotten family members. Try to engage in a new sport or hobby. Outdoor activities are encouraged where there will be opportunities to meet someone special. However, be cautious about good news that will come your way. Check them out first before celebrating. Your personal finances will generally look good throughout the year.
January 22, 1947 to February 9, 1948 Fire Pig

February 8, 1959 to January 27, 1969 Earth Pig

January 27, 1971 to February 15, 1972 Metal Pig

February 13, 1983 to February 1, 1984 Water Pig

January 31, 1995 to February 18, 1996 Wood Pig

February 18, 2007 to February 6, 2008 Fire Pig

The Pig is the most easy-going and laid-back of all the signs. Cheerful, friendly and overflowing with good intentions, he does not bear grudges. He is the connoisseur of the Chinese zodiac and thus enjoys good food and has a healthy appetite. Despite lacking strong ambitions, he is hardworking and is generally successful in life.

This is your year so make the most of it! 2007 will be a special year for you with many positive opportunities coming your way. Grab these opportunities but plan carefully on how to take advantage of them. At work you will experience some setbacks but these will be minor. Life will generally stabilize this year and will be marked by significant gains and progress. You will also enjoy an improvement in your financial situation. While there is a tendency to enjoy life and splurge on things, it is wise to keep some of your income as savings.

Your personal life will also be most enjoyable. There will be opportunities to meet new special friends during the last quarter of the year. One of them could develop into a serious romantic relationship later on. If you have been thinking about changing residence, now is a good time to do so. It is also a good year for foreign travel. However, it is advised that you take good care of a persistent sickness or anything related to infection.

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