Come on, let’s reason together

"For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."- Matthew 6:14, 15

To forgive someone doesn’t mean you give in, that you capitulate in weakness. But it does mean, in simple terms, that you pull the knife out of your own stomach. Instead of turning yourself inside out with bitterness, you release the bitterness which has been gnawing at your innards, and you allow the process of healing to begin.

Long ago God held out the olive branch of peace to those who had wilfully and knowingly turned against Him. He invited them to stop and reason, to think, stressing the fact that to give and accept forgiveness is not only reasonable, it is the only path to healing and restoration. Here’s the famous text found in Isaiah 1: "Come now, let us reason together,’ says the Lord. ‘Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land; but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword" (Isaiah 1:18-20).

Wrongdoing or the extent of it isn’t the issue. Ok, you were wronged. "Come, now," God says, "let’s reason together." Have you ever wondered why people refuse to forgive, why they hold on to bitterness that becomes a cancer that eats them away? Medical research has provem conclusively that people who are free of bitterness and anger live longer, enjoy life more, and are more free of hang-ups than those who refuse to forgive. There is no logic in living with bitterness.

Long ago the writer of Proverbs said, "There’s a way that looks harmless enough; look again–it leads straight to hell" (Proverbs 16:25, the message). The way that often seems right from a human standpoint is the way of revenge, of getting even. Jesus talked about the way that is straight and narrow, which leads to life, and the path that is wide, the well-travelled one, that leads to death. It’s your choice.

Releasing bitterness, giving up your right to hurt someone because that person hurt you, is not only good for your health, but also good for your heart and soul as well. Frankly, the best way to deal with those who hurt you is to forgive them, love them, and let God deal with them in His way, and in His time. Paul’s statement, "‘Vengeance is mine; I will repay,’ says the Lord" is not idle chatter.

Have you forgiven the one who hurt you? Jesus said that unless we forgive others, our Father in heaven will not forgive us. So just in case, since you are possibly less than entirely saintly yourself, better learn to forgive. Say it, write a letter, make a telephone call–whatever is necessary–just do it. You’ll be the winner when you do. - Resource Reading: Luke 16:1-13

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