A decade of noblesse oblige

Ten years of staging a fashion-show-for-a-cause has made the Best Dressed Women of the Philippines (BDWP) Awards Ball one of the longest-running high-profile charity events in the country.

The gala is an annual collaboration between the Philippine Cancer Society (PCS) and the BDWP selection and organizing committee led by event chairperson and Angola Consul Helen Ong.

Held with much pageantry at the Makati Shangri-La, the event top billed 14 fashionable and compassionate women culled from a list of over 200 potential awardees that cut across all age brackets. 

Our deepest appreciation to the event’s generous sponsors: Smart Infinity led by Julie Carceller, CATS Motors Inc. led by its president Felix Ang, One Mega Group CEO Sari Yap and Lifestyle Asia led by Anna Sobrepeña and Cheryl Tiu.

Many thanks to the untiring support and generosity of the Ambassadors for Life, the PSC Board — our partners for 10 years —  and all the families and friends of the awardees.  Most of all, our gratitude and prayers to the event’s honorary chairperson Imelda Ongsiako-Cojuangco, the epitome of beauty, elegance and benevolence.

As I once said, and I repeat, “The allure of a Filipina, in my opinion, is found in her winsome smile, graceful ways and warm glow. Heads will absolutely turn when she parades in an elegant long gown.”

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