A fantastic fairy ball

Once again, welcoming Christmas in a spectacular manner, illustrious society couple Louie and Mellie Ablaza recently hosted the most talked about and grandest parties for their adoring friends and loving family. I was privileged to be one of Manila’s elite few who was invited to this fantastic annual Ablaza event. Serving as a double celebration of Mellie’s birthday and the 2009 Ablaza Christmas Party, the much anticipated affair saw The NBC Tent glistening in an enchanting mood with sparkling beads and baubles, colossal fairyland ornamentations replete with virtual flower fairies hovering in the ceiling and breathtaking mannequins hanging in strategic locations. These were all meticulously fashioned together by the creative design wizardry of their son Jun-jun. Highlights of the evening included the remarkable performances of the Ablaza and Syquia grandchildren, the dance of the Fairie by the Philippine Ballet Theatre and Christmas carols from baritone Jonathan Badon.

Everyone was enthralled with the magic of the evening whilst savoring an excellent fare from an ingenious Le Souffle Fairyland’s menu. The ever so gracious and ageless Mellie and her dashing husband Louie were a picture of ecstatic glee as they were enveloped in the vivacity of the holiday spirit and surrounded by an overwhelming degree of affection.

Happy holidays and happy birthday, Mellie!

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