Rep. Bordado responds

This is in response to the column of Mr. Alex Magno entitled “First Person” which was published in the Dec. 28, 2021 issue of The Philippine STAR.

In his column, Mr. Magno made a sweeping statement that my proclamation as Representative of the Third District of Camarines Sur is invalid. This is after what he calls a “good source” leaked that the HRET has affirmed the election of my esteemed rival, the late Luis R. Villafuerte Sr., as the rightful winner of the May 13, 2019 elections.

While the proliferation of this fake news saddens me deeply, what I really find alarming is the utter lack of diligence on the part of Mr. Magno in so far as checking the veracity of his materials.

I have always considered The Philippine STAR as a reputable newspaper with balanced views and high ethical journalism standards advocating truth and fairness. Imagine my dismay after reading Mr. Magno’s column making unsupported and unvalidated allegations as to the legitimacy of my proclamation.

I understand that a columnist is granted more leeway in airing his opinions on matters of pressing public concern. It is my humble opinion that being a journalist, Mr. Magno is duty bound to verify information and consider the credibility and motives of his alleged “good source” before releasing any information or views to the public.

According to Mr. Magno’s column, he had it on “good source” that the HRET has affirmed the election of Luis R. Villafuerte Sr. as representative of the Third District of Camarines Sur. Said information could have easily been validated through an Order or any Resolution issued by the HRET to that effect.

Unfortunately, there is no such Order. As a matter of fact, the latest Order issued by the Honorable Tribunal on Dec. 21, 2021 is one granting my Motion for Decryption of the SD Cards and Printing of Ballot Images, Audit and Transmission Logs and Other Election Documents. Had there been any truth to Mr. Magno’s allegation that the Honorable Tribunal indeed affirmed as final and conclusive the results of the revision proceedings, then it would have been totally unnecessary to grant the said Motion.

Mr. Magno’s column was published on Dec. 28, 2021, while the HRET’s most recent Order was issued on December 21, 2021. It would have been prudent for him to ask for any document emanating from the HRET to support his “good source’s” information. I cannot help but wonder why Mr. Magno failed to even do that minute task.

I am not at liberty to discuss the merits of the Election Protest pending before the Honorable Tribunal. In the meantime, suffice to say that the proceedings are far from over. I am very much optimistic and confident, however, that in the end, the entire lengthy and arduous process will only re-affirm that I am the true and legitimate representative of the Third District of Camarines Sur.

Finally, it cannot be overemphasized that we live in an era which facilitates easy sharing of information. When important actors spread misinformation, either deliberately or unwittingly, it becomes difficult for the public to distinguish between what is true and what is made up. Consequently, it makes the truth hard to find, especially when fake news are made to look like real news. With that in mind, responsible journalism dictates to seek only the truth and report it. – Gabriel H. Bordado Jr., Incumbent Representative, Third District of Camarines Sur

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