
Letters to the Editor

Wrong allegations

Associated Press

I most respectfully request the kind assistance of your good office to rectify the apparently wrong allegations of your reporter Christina Mendez, which are contained in a news report which appeared on page 5 of the Philippine STAR on Aug. 19, 2018.

The news report referred to above contained the following words:

Former justice secretary Vitaliano Aguirre as well as ex-deputy commissioners Al Argosino and Michael Robles also belong to the group and were among Duterte’s first batch of appointees to his administration, although their services were terminated over allegations of corruption. (emphasis supplied)

Resultantly, I register, in the strongest terms, my disapproval and indignation at being the person alluded to as having been terminated due to corruption allegations.

To set the record straight, when President Rodrigo Duterte accepted my resignation as justice secretary, the same was NEVER because of issues any on corruption.

The report done by your personnel creates in the minds of your readers something that is very damaging to my reputation, which is anchored on more than 46 years of ethical law practice and also maligns the good name of my family.

Consequently, I request that the appropriate rectification be made within five calendar days of your receipt of this letter otherwise I may have no choice but to resort to the appropriate actions to remove the unwarranted tarnish caused to my reputation.

I end with fervent good hopes that this matter will merit your most immediate attention and positive response. – Vitaliano Aguirre, Former Secretary of Justice, Parañaque City

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