Thoughts to guide us by For April 2015

Amid the raging wars, conflicts, terror acts, cruelty and greed happening in our world – this Lenten season let us fervently pray for enlightenment and deliverance. For prayer is our channel, a bridge to peace. ”God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son” – for our peace and happiness. Let us renew and commit ourselves to promote peace. Heal our land by making the wheels of justice grind fast and fairly for all. Heal the wounds that divide us regardless of race, creed, religion, ideology to achieve unity and wholeness. Live and lead by the Truth, to set us free. To forgive and allow healing to reign in our hearts.

To live simply, share more, and reach out to our struggling, needy brethren so they may lead dignified lives. To render sincere, honest and humble services, and be good role models as this can ignite positive multiplier impact on others.

Like day and night peace and prosperity go together. They are inseparable twins! Peace can reign only when prosperity is shared by all. “Let there be peace … let this be our solemn vow.”       

Peace and abundance to us all!

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