Thoughts to guide us by (FOR OCTOBER 2014)

Live in the present! Savor each moment! To do this, let go of the  hurts, heartaches, and pains of the past. Waste not precious time dwelling on them, to easily and smoothly move on.  Discard yesterday’s baggage … they are heavy emotional burdens that make moving on long, difficult,  and arduous. Holding on grudges and pains blocks and  prevent positive change and growth. And not good for the overall health and well-being!

In the same vein, allow not ourselves to worry or dwell too much about what tomorrows will bring. We can handle only one phase of our life at a time. Do and give your best to today …  tomorrow shall take care of itself! Don’t add tomorrow’s load to your today. Nor consume tomorrows by fretting about yesterdays.

Greet each day with gratitude in our hearts as we wake up every morning.  Every  new  day is a  fresh start. With  great  hopes  and enthusiasm, look to the day for good things to happen … coupled with hard work, perseverance, positivism, sharing, and strong faith, we can create a beautiful and prosperous landscape of our lives!

 Peace and abundance to us all!

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