Positive developments

After Sunday’s signing of the wealth-sharing with the MILF, the next on the talks is power sharing and the laying down of arms.  These are positive developments that augur well for peace and progress in Mindanao.  These two issues will definitely be agreed upon by the government panel and key MILF leaders.  It is only a matter of time and we Filipinos are very optimistic.  The pace may have slowed but it is going through smoothly and treading the right path.

For sure, critics will come out again but whatever they have to say or insist will not matter or count.  The peace deal is long delayed and the hitch met along the way will not be good for these new developments. Early on, any obstacle should be prevented.  The 75-25 wealth-sharing is fair enough as this envisioned to help the people in Mindanao.  It is only a few months to go before the historic framework signing is remembered.

The heavy discussions before the October 2012 signing and the overtime work the government panel and the MILF did last July 14, 2012 show the determination and resolve on both sides.  The people eagerly await more outcomes after the next talk.  Probably the New People’s Army should take the cue from the MILF.  It is the NPA who has remained stubborn and uncooperative.  The NPAs have been left behind in the race to peace.  Come to think of it, they will never know how to experience how it is to spend life in peace.



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