Burgundy built on hard work, perseverance

This has reference to the column of Mr. Jarius Bondoc (GOTCHA) in your issue of January 16, 2012 wherein he resurrected the issue of our company’s bidding participation in the development of the Camago-Malampaya Oil Rim way back in 2006.

In any event and in the interest of fair play, may I furnish you a copy of my letter to Mr. Antonio F. Katigbak dated 29 July 2006 and the paid advertisement dated 03 September 2006 which our company placed in the Philippine STAR of even date. These materials should clear the air, so to speak, as far as this issue is concerned.

May I remind Mr. Bondoc that our company is 100 percent Filipino owned and based in the Philippines, not Bermuda. We also challenge Mr. Bondoc to name the head of Burgundy Global who he claimed had links with the past GMA Administration and employed in our company. All respected journalists should verify their facts first before they write any damaging information unless the intent is to destroy a competitor’s business which is built on hard work and perseverance. Our company has maintained a reliable network of experienced partners, here and abroad, all of which have been in the oil and gas business for years. We will continue to bid in worthwhile projects and participate in the responsible exploitation of our oil and gas resources no matter that some of our foreign detractors and their local agents have been engaged in baseless and malicious attacks against us.

Lastly, in this hour of need where the country needs oil as the lifeline of our country and economy, all Filipinos should join hands in supporting our own countrymen and not foreign companies and their agents who will take advantage of our natural resources and leave the country in misery when the commodity is exhausted.

I hope that with our submission this issue will finally be put to rest.

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