What is Golden Acres?

Golden Acres is a haven for the older (OPs) who are now in their golden years, they have no family to care for them and are rejected by their relatives.

It is a tract of land, about 1.6 hectares wherein a one story structure called cottages were built in such a way that it will be convenient, comfortable and safe for the Clients to live in. Golden Acres is nearing its golden years, for this year marked its 41st anniversary on Sept. 30.

The cottages are simple but strong enough to withstand typhoons and especially the deep flood brought about by typhoon Ondoy in 2009. This was built as a project of the former First Lady Imelda R. Marcos and her Blue Ladies. This is funded by the government through the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), to take care of the Older Persons.

Trees were planted to give shade and oxygen which is much needed for our health. It is situated in a place where no dust and fumes from passing vehicles. It is at the back of SM North and beside Quezon City Science High School. It has a garden all around where the Clients can enjoy the shade of the trees and the fresh air.

Golden Acres is now under a new head, the young and beautiful, Hazel Militante. She is very solicitous about the welfare of everyone on their health and room situation. She goes on rounds every morning and evening.

To manage an institution like the Golden Acres, Ma’am Hazel has to attend to so many problems and needs of the place. One has to have the guts, stamina, patience and endurance to cope up with the health condition of the clients who have Alzheimer’s disease, demented, hypertensive, rheumatic, osteo-arthritis, diabetes, deranged, allergy, asthma, carcinoma and so many other cases. Adding to this, she has a serious family problems because her father passed away a few months ago and her mother felt so sad almost everytime. She weeps so often and became very ill. Ma’am Hazel has to bring her to a hospital even at night. With her loving and healing touch, it soothes her mother very much.

As one of the clients, I also experienced the kindness, helpfulness and attention that our supervisor, Mary Magdalene Peyes is giving to all. Ms. Militante and Ms. Peyes come to see us even on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. One late Sunday evening, a deranged old woman came in to our cottage. She wants to stay and do not want to leave even if everybody was driving her out. She said she is hungry. We reported the incident to the office to help us take her out and attend to her needs. Ma’am Peyes was there working. The old woman was taken to her cottage and was given food.

Thelma Viduya is assigned to me as my social worker. She is very kind and attentive to my needs. If she is not around, Nelia Dadulla, a social worker also attends to me. All the social workers here at the Golden Acres are taking good care of us.

We have our handsome and humble psychologist, Ricardo Pening, who goes on rounds to help those who felt troubled especially those who have dementia and deranged to give them guidance and comfort. We also have a volunteer psychologist, Violeta Sandico, who comes every Thursday morning, rain or shine, to give lectures on finger exercises, a good relief for various pains, laughter yoga, sing along with us to exercise our lungs and diaphragm. She never forget to bring us snacks and make our day enjoyable.

We have a medical clinic run by doctors who come weekly to examine our health condition and prescribe the needed medicines and advise hospitalization if needed. We have several nurses who go on rounds morning, noon and evening or even midnight or early morning to check on those who are sick and to check our health condition. They give medicines where needed and vitamins to all. There is an infirmary where very sick clients are confined and is observed very closely.

One noontime, as we were having our lunch, one client, Lola Rosalind Cervantes, fainted. We tried to revive her, Emma Cornel was the houseparent during that time. She tried very hard to revive the client. It was so fortunate that our volunteer nurse, Audrey Dapiton came. She was on her rounds. It was a long try and at last the patient gained consciousness.

The patient is known to be hypertensive. Nurse Audrey was able to revive her after a long try and her blood pressure was lowered. The patient became restful and conscious.

There is also a Productivity Section where beautiful flower vases, jars and whatever design is desired and hand towels with crochet stitches on the handle, which will be marketed. The agent gets a commission. This Unit is being managed by Mae de Galicia.

The houseparents has the heaviest work. They attend to our needs. They serve our breakfast at 5:30 a.m. and, afterwards, they bathe the very old, the weak and the blind, they wash the clothes and beddings, clean the whole cottage, making it neat, clean and shiny. The same way they do with the surrounding gardens. They serve lunch at 11:30 a.m., afterwhich, they clean again the whole cottage.

Once in a while snacks are being served between meals. Dinner is served at 6:30 p.m. and then they clean again the whole cottage. We go to sleep at 7:30 p.m. In case of emergency, they are always around to help. The houseparents of all the cottages is under the able supervision of Nelly Colangoy.

The kitchen is neat and clean. They prepare and cook our food on time. The food is simple but a well-balanced diet. Ma. Rosario Florese is the nutritionist and dietician in-charge of the kitchen.

Our guards are very liable and strict in inspecting the things and know the purpose of those coming in and on those going out. We, the clients, can go out only on out-on-pass approved by the head social worker. The houseparents and the guards sign our out-on-pass paper after the clinic had checked our well-being. The guards keep the peace and order within the compound.

Once in a while, donors/sponsors come to give food and sometimes clothes. It may be their birthday, school outreach activities, some special day or just that they do it for charity. We have singing, dancing and games. Prizes were given to the winners.

There is a chapel where Catholics attend Mass every Sunday and special days as requested by some donors. This also serves as a Social Hall. On a very special occasion there is the Louise S. Coson Hall as another venue.

Every Monday, flag ceremony is being observed. After singing hymns, our head, supervisors and other staff, give instructions and suggestions. The clients can also voice their opinions and suggestions.

Twice a month or every first and last Thursday of the month, there is a “Talakayan” activity where our Head Social Worker and other officials to clarify issues and concerns of OPs. The clients can also voice their opinions and suggestions.

Sometimes the clients are given relaxation like going to hear the music live by orchestra, this time at the SM North Entertainment Plaza. They sing and dance and enjoyed the day with snacks too. Last Sunday was the Grandparents Day, we were taken to the Araneta Coliseum to have lunch sponsored by Super Bowl. Then we had our medical and laboratory checkups at the Medical City Gateway Clinic. Then we were treated to view a movie and afterwards a dinner at the Ali Mall. We were escorted by our Nurse Camille Estacio and houseparents — Marissa Soriano and Myrna Daza.

Being the youngest in the family, I had been working and living alone since my parents, brothers and sisters died. In Golden Acres, the able, competent and caring management and all my companions made me feel happy and as if I have found a family.

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