Graffiti artists spray Anne Frank's house

This is in relation to recent published articles that the military has rejected proposals to suspend operations against the Abu Sayyaf  and Jemaah Islamiya in Mindanao, vowing instead to crush the terror group.

As the military leadership issued a statement denying reports that AFP Chief of Staff Gen Hermogenes Esperon Jr had ordered a suspension of military operation against these notorious groups.

This is a welcome development. These terrorist groups have been one of the major stumbling blocks in our political and economic crisis. These terrorists have taken advantage of every opportunity to destroy the country’s image by conducting terrorism in all forms like killings, liquidation, robbery, extortion, recruitment of minors, rape and others.

The government must not nor should never entertain any propositions from them for a suspension of military operations or likewise lay down the SOMO against these terrorist groups. The military should double its efforts especially on its offensives in order to get rid of the evil acts by these terrorists. I also think that many influential people have been in cahoots with these terrorists just to serve their interest and gain monetary profits.

Terrorism is a serious study in conflict that requires  evaluation and interpretation, beliefs, attitudes, habits, customs. These atrocities perpetrated by terrorist groups show evidence that they are heartless and merciless who attacked the defenseless and weak. — Pamela Miranda, Unit 4, Dona Manuela Subdivision, Las Piñas City

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