Top Australian university offers scholarships

MANILA, Philippines - Qualified students can acquire world-class education that will prepare them for a promising future in one of Australia’s Top 10 universities through the scholarship program being offered by Macquarie University in Melbourne, Australia.

This was announced by International Education Specialists (Inter-Ed), the premiere student placement organization in the Philippines, with which Macquarie University has partnered in making available the scholarships worth Aus$4,000 to Filipino students with a general passing average of 3.00 or above out of 4.00 or equivalent and who would enroll in any degree course.

Ranked in the top two percent of universities all over the world, Macquarie University has gained renown for its excellence in interdisciplinary research and teaching, unique approach to learning,  highly skilled graduates and first-class facilities.

The school pioneered interdisciplinary study,  a learning method that teaches and trains a student to think more broadly by tackling the big questions in life and the things that really matter to society.

It has been widely acknowledged that many of the world’s greatest achievements and innovations in various fields have resulted from the application of an interdisciplinary approach.

With the global mindset that it provides, the Macquarie University approach to learning definitely gives a student a big edge in the pursuit of his chosen career that will benefit him now and in the future.

Researchers at Macquarie University are reputed to be among the most pre-eminent and most respected not only in Australia but throughout the world, with many of them belonging to the 18 Concentrations of Research Excellence in Australia, an elite circle of researchers that concentrates on a  diverse field of studies, from ancient history to climate change.

Over the years, Macquarie University has continued to attract thousands of students from all over the world because of the unique opportunity it offers them  to experience the kind of quality education that goes beyond the traditional way of learning.

(For inquiries, please call Inter-Ed at 8191001, 0917-5351956 or visit its website at

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