Kumon: Fitting the shoe to the foot

MANILA, Philippines - “. . . must we change the foot?” asks American journalist and activist Gloria Steinem.

Ask a Kumon Instructor and the answer would definitely be a resounding no.

Toru Kumon, founder of the Kumon Method of Learning, realized this when he witnessed how his own son, Takeshi, improved his academic standing and developed his sense of confidence and discipline when he gave him materials to answer based on his ability and his own pace. Rather than change the foot, so to speak, Toru Kumon acknowledged the need to change the shoe because he understood that not all children learn and progress the same way.

This is how the kindness started more than 50 years ago. Knowing that it would be a sheer waste if only Takeshi benefited from this, Toru Kumon started the Kumon Method of Learning that has helped millions of students all over the world develop strong academic skills and character. Since then, it has become a movement that instilled passion and confidence in children to achieve their dreams through individualized instruction, advancement and self-learning.

Pursuing this movement, Kumon Centers nationwide offering Math and Reading programs have opened their doors once again for a two-week free trial from Sept. 16 to 30, 2011 to give a chance for children to experience the Kumon advantage.

Embrace your child’s own ability and complement it with the right tool. With Kumon, you can help your child maximize his potential and take a step closer towards his dreams!

To know more about the Kumon Method of Learning, please visit your nearest Kumon center or call the Manila Office at (02) 8850226 or 1-806-1-888-0231 (toll-free outside Metro Manila). For students from Visayas and Mindanao, please call the Kumon Cebu branch office at (032) 2361307.

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