Planet Earth as a whole family of the great Creator

This is a sequel to my article, Mother Mary’s Planet Earth Predictions to All Religions (28 May 2009).

The family is a microcosm of the world. We are all one family. We need to be treated with respect, love and honor. Begin to see the world as your family.

Every soul on this planet is a creation of the One Great Creator. Every culture is honorable, every race is to be honored as God’s creation, every nation is a brother, and every religion is a sister. Look to the sameness of life on this planet. See that the same love is expressed in every member of every nation.

Children of the Planet Earth, care for your home, which is this planet. Care also for your brothers, sisters, parents, and grandparents. There is only one Creator, one Great Spirit whose life flows through every person, plant, animal and rock of this planet. Consider the Planet Earth as a whole family of the Great Creator.

Divisions among yourselves are destructive

In order to become universal, it will be necessary for you to break the old habits of division and derision. The whole Planet Earth is one family unit and all people should be considered as one unit. Let us become members of the Planet Earth and not of different nations.

Divisions amongst yourselves are destructive. This is holding you back from uniting. These ways of dividing are hindering your progress in the universal world. Until you can stop the wars, you are not ready to join the family of the universe.

WHEN THE TIME COMES THAT THE WORLD CAN BE SEEN AS ONE FAMILY UNIT, THERE WILL BE PEACE. Begin now to let this idea grow in your mind. We will consider each nation as a family and each religion as a family, but all related by the life-force which animates you individually. It is God’s Life which is flowing in each body. We are all united by this One Creative Being who created not only me, but each individual soul who has ever lived on this earth.

Put aside your anger

In the world, we are all as different as flowers which grow across the lands. We each bring our own beauty to this family-world. Each nation, each culture, brings the beauty and richness of its past, and the individual uniqueness of its identity. As the colors of your skin interweave in this great family crest, it is beautiful.

Put aside your anger. Allow each culture, each nation, and each religion to teach the other. It matters not what you call our Creator or how you worship Him. All that matters, and is important, is that each person be thankful for the life which flows through him, that each respects the life-force which animates us all.

Look at the individual nations and religions. This world and life in it was not created by different beings, but by one Great Spirit, who is, at this moment, flowing through the rocks, trees and through each of us as we breathe. Look not at the differences, but allow me to point out the sameness of each person.

Each individual, male or female, is constructed in the same manner – made of skin, bone, cells, tissues, organs, and blood of the same components. It is constructed exactly alike. One race could not be distinguished from the other without the skin color. Each female and male conceives their young in the same manner. Each child is born into this world in the same manner. Every individual has the same feelings, the same methods of thinking. Does one think with his lungs and another with his kidneys? No, all think with the functioning of their brains and every heart beats exactly alike.

Every individual child born on this earth requires the same care in order to survive. Each nation has its own history and manner of conducting itself. It is not too different from other nations. All people of the world need to be loved and to love. They need to eat daily and have water. They need to work. Every person has the same basic needs.

Be tolerant of one another

All religions are man-made, inspired by the Creator. All words which have been written in the Holy Books have been written by men in unity with the Creator. Each religion is guilty of interpreting its Holy Writings to indicate the message the interpreter wants to make.

Each religion is worshipping its Creator – the same Creator! Whether you pray facing the east or facing an altar on a Saturday or a Sunday, it is still worship. The dogma and the rituals are not as important as the worship which is done.

Any religion is correct if it leads you to worship the Creator through your heart and mind. It is through your mind and heart that true prayers are said. The religious and cultural differences are outer. Look to the inner longings and desires of the heart; there you will see the same emotions, yearnings and ambitions. These are what you are to look for in your brother and sister.

“I do not condone abuse of any kind, whether it is abuse of one nation against another, or abuse of one individual against another. I will not condone abuse of one religion against another.” Taking up arms and fighting for your religion and your dogma is wrong, abusive and ugly. It is not pleasing to your Creator. Be tolerant, one of the other.

The world is a family; the world is one unit in the universe. He made you and this world in love. It is in love He desires you to live. It is for each person to choose how he will worship his Creator. It matters not what you call Him. It is the calling on Him in your mind and hearts that matters. One color of the skin is not better than the other. All are created alike. There is no chosen people or special chosen church. There is no one supreme race of men, all are the supreme people and all are the chosen ones.

Why do you destroy your home – Planet Earth!

Your home is the Planet Earth. Why do you bomb her and destroy her oceans with waste? Why do you destroy her forest and her seacoast? This is the only home you have to leave to your children. Take care of her.

Love, care and respect are the answer. Honor the Creator by honoring His Creation. Respect the Creator by respecting every insect, pebble and grain of sand. Honor the air you breathe, the forest and the sea. Care for this world and its inhabitants, each animal and each person. Smile and sing the song of life. SEND THOUGHTS OF LOVE THROUGHOUT THE ATMOSPHERE AND SURROUND THIS PLANET IN YOUR LOVE. THIS IS HOW TO BEGIN TO HEAL HER WOUNDS.

Only through love will the coming earth changes be met. With honor and respect the coming changes, which will be huge and gigantic in scope, will be faced. Know that there is a better way to raise your young and to view your world. It will be a new family of earthlings, a new land, a new city and a new day.

Begin NOW to make a commitment of honor

Begin now in your mind and in your heart. This very minute make a commitment to honor. Respect each nation, each religion and put aside your warring thoughts. SEND OUT LOVE, HONOR AND RESPECT TO EVERY INDIVIDUAL ON EARTH. TALK TO THE PLANET. TELL EVERY TREE YOU ARE GRATEFUL FOR ITS SHADE AND BEAUTY.

Honor your home in the same way. Talk to the chair you sit in; thank it for the comfort and rest it gives. TELL YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE OF YOUR LOVE, HONOR AND RESPECT FOR HIM OR HER. TELL YOUR HOME OF THE GRATITUDE AND THE COMFORT, WHICH YOU RECEIVE IN HER WALLS. It is not after the earth changes that you are to begin, but now, this moment, this very instant.

Bring God into every part of your life

It is now time to begin to truly worship God, your Creator. Now is the time to set up the lines of communication to your Maker, before the turmoil…, before you desperately need His counsel. Begin now to rely upon and love your Creator. Feel Him stirring in your heart.

Now, my dear family, learn these lessons well. Follow these teachings. Put them in your minds and hearts. PRACTICE WHAT YOU LEARN DAILY. MOST IMPORTANT, SET UP THE LINES OF COMMUNICATION TO GOD. HE IS WAITING FOR YOUR INVITATION TO ENTER AND BE A PART OF YOUR LIFE. His love will smooth the rough places, the anger and hurt. Allow His love to flow through your heart, mind and home. Bring God into every part of your life: your marriage, job, obligations, and your every purchase. This is how to live totally in God’s presence. 

(Reference: Mary’s Message to the World as sent by Mary, the Mother of Jesus to Annie Kirkwood. Blue Dolphin Press. California, USA. 1991)

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