Homemade religion

The Holy Scriptures . . . are able to make you wise for salvation through faith. — 2 Timothy 3:15

The idea is becoming increasingly popular — people thinking they can believe in Jesus while accepting unbiblical teaching. Although professing to have a relationship with Jesus Christ, some feel it’s okay to also follow the teachings of Buddha or Krishna. They feel that having an additional belief is simply another step toward spiritual fulfillment.
Chuck Colson, who has examined this trend, says that “instead of adhering to a specific set of doctrines, they feel free to pick and choose from all the various belief systems, or to create their own tailor-made religion.” He cites studies to show that people claiming to be followers of Jesus Christ have embraced reincarnation, astrology, and commu-nication with the dead.
This is dangerous ground. The true believer knows that Jesus Christ is the only way to God (Acts 4:12), and that the Bible, God’s inspired Word, is the only true source of in-struction (2 Timothy 3:15-16). All beliefs and practices relating to spirituality must be based on biblical truth — not on how appealing they may sound.
Don’t trust a homemade religion that contains a little of this and a little of that. Make your faith all about Jesus, and test everything by God’s Word. Then you can’t go wrong.           —  Dave Branon

The Bible is a lamp from God, A sword of truth and light; It searches heart and soul and mind, And helps us know what’s right.  — Bosch

READ:2 Timothy 3:10-17

Examine all teaching in the light of God’s Word.

The Bible in one year: • 2 Timothy 1-4

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