Don't kill time!

Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time. — Colossians 4:5

Author and lecturer John Erskine (1879-1951) declared that he learned the most valuable lesson of his life when he was 14 years old. His piano teacher asked him how much he practiced. He replied that he usually sat a the instrument for an hour or more at a time.

“Don’t do that,” warned the teacher. “When you grow up, time won’t come to you in long stretches like that. Practice in minutes wherever you can find them — 5 or 10 before school, a few after lunch. Sandwich them in between chores. Spread the practice throughout the day, and music will become a part of your life.”

Erskine stated later that by following this advice he was able to live a fulfilled life as a creative writer, in addition to his regular duties as an instructor. He wrote nearly all of Helen of Troy, his most famous work, on streetcars while commuting between his home and the university.

How can you make good use of your spare moments? Consider carrying a Bible or a devotional booklet with you. Use the time to read, or to pray, or to write a note of encouragement or admonition to some needy soul.

Beware of wasting the present. Instead of killing time, redeem your spare moments today.             — Henry Bosch

Redeem the time! God only knows

How soon our little life may close,

With all its pleasures and its woes,

Redeem the time! — Anon.


READ: Ephesians 5:1-17


Wasting the gift of time insults the giver of time.

The Bible in one year:

• 1 Chronicles 20-23

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