Sleepless nights

My heart also instructs me in the night seasons.— Psalm 16:7

The psalmist David had his dark, lonely nights when everything seemed out of control. Doubts and fears assailed him, and there was no escape from his problems. He tossed and turned just as we do, but then he turned to his Shepherd (Ps. 23:1) and reminded himself of the Lord’s presence. That brought peace to his anxious, troubled soul. David said, “Because He is at my rights hand I shall not be moved” (16:8).

We too have occasions of wakefulness when anxious thoughts jostle one another for attention, when we curse the darkness, and when we long for sleep. But we mustn’t fret, for darkness can be our friend. God is present in it, visiting us, counseling us, instructing us in the night. Perhaps on our beds, as nowhere else, we may hear God’s voice. We can listen to His thoughts and meditate in His Word.

We can talk to the Lord about every concern, casting our care on Him (1 Peter 5:7). We can talk about our failures, our conflicts, our challenges, our anxieties, our frustration over His lengthy delays — all the things that stress us out and render us sleepless — and listen to what He has to say. That’s what can set us apart from ordinary insomniacs. That’s the secret of quiet rest. — David Roper

I couldn’t sleep last night, but did not toss

And count my wakefulness a dreadful loss;

Ah, no! I was quite glad to lose my sleep —

I had such wondrous company to keep! — Seller

READ: Psalm 16

When you can’t sleep, don’tcount sheep. Talk to the Shepherd.

The Bible in one year:

• 1 Samuel 8-10

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