Just another Sunday?

They continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine. — Acts 2:42

Early on a sunny Sunday afternoon after church, I headed out for a walk around the neighborhood. A man was trimming his grass along the sidewalk, and we greeted each other with the usual “Hello, how are you?” In a negative tone, he replied, “It’s just another Sunday.” Later, I wondered what he had meant by that. Was he saying, I’m just doing my chores — going through the motions?

Sometimes even church attendance can become a matter of merely going through the motions on just another Sunday. For the believers in the early church (Acts 2:41-47), joining with fellow believers was a source of excitement. That was when the church first started and everyone was a new believer — so they were bound to be enthusiastic. But what about us? What can we do to make each Sunday special?

Go with the anticipation of meeting with God. While He is with us all the time (Heb. 13:5), God is with us in a unique way as we gather with others who know Him (Matt. 18:20; James 4:8). Bring your burdens and praises to Him.

Go to learn about God. We may not learn something new every week, but we can always be encouraged by the truths of God’s Word (Ps. 119:105). Expect to hear from Him.

Go to fellowship with others. We need each other in this Christian journey. Encourage others, challenge them in their faith, and pray for them (Heb. 10:24-25).


Lord, give us a renewed enthusiasm of heart for attending church, so that it won’t be just another Sunday.  — Anne Cetas


READ: Acts 2:41-47

If you want to be spiritually fed, goto church with a hunger for the Word.

The Bible in one year:

• Proverbs 30-31

• 2 Corinthians 11:1-15

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