Walk worthy of the calling with which you were called. — Ephesians 4:1
My Chinese family name sets me apart from others with different family names. It also confers on me a family responsibility. I am a member of the Hia family. As a member of the family, I am expected to carry on the Hia line and uphold the honor of my ancestors.
Believers who have been saved by the atoning blood of Jesus Christ have a spiritual family name. We are called “Christians.”
In the New Testament, the name Christian was first given to the disciples in Antioch by those who noted their behavior (Acts 11:26). Two things defined these early believers. They talked about the good news of the Lord Jesus everywhere they went (v. 20). And they eagerly learned the Scriptures as Barnabas and Saul taught them for a whole year (v. 26).
The name Christian means an “adherent to Christ” — literally, one who “sticks” to Christ. Today many people call themselves Christians. But should they?
If you call yourself a Christian, does your life tell others who Jesus is? Are you hungry for God’s Word? Do your actions bring honor or shame to Christ’s name?
What’s in a name? When the name is Christian, there is much indeed! — C. P. Hia
Teach us that name to own,
While waiting, Lord, for Thee,
Unholiness and sin to shun,
From all untruth to flee. — Cecil
READ: Acts 11:19-26
A Christian reflects Jesus Christ.
The Bible in one year:
• Deuteronomy 32-34
• Mark 15:26-47