Finally home

If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. John 14:3

Jan and Hendrikje Kaspe sailed into United States waters in January 1957. Their family of 12, along with other Dutch immigrants on board the Grote Beer, crowded on deck to catch their first glimpse of the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor.

That initial view of Lady Liberty was exciting — and emotional. They had just endured an arduous 11-day journey across the sea on a no-frills voyage. They had left many friends and family members behind in The Netherlands. They had experienced rough seas brought on by a hurricane and had dealt with seemingly endless seasickness. But now — finally — they had arrived. This would become their new home.

Someday, those of us who have trusted Jesus Christ as our personal Savior will leave this life and go to the place He has prepared for us (John 14:3). The journey may be difficult or uncomfortable, but we certainly look forward to the final destination.

Composer Don Wyrtzen wrote the music for a wonderful song that pictures our earthly life as a “tempestuous sea.” It ends with these words:

Just think of stepping on shore — and finding it heaven!

Of touching a hand — and finding it God’s!

Of breathing new air — and finding it celestial!

Of waking up in glory — and finding it home!

When we see Jesus face to face for the first time — we will be “finally home.”— Cindy Hess Kasper

READ: John 14:1-6

Those who love and serve God on earth will be right at home in heaven.

The Bible in one year:

• 2 Kings 1-3

• Proverbs 21:1-10

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