Bring out the shine

He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold. – Job 23:10

Many years ago I bought a 1964 Volkswagen from my neighbor. The car was mechanically sound, but the outside looked pretty rough. Dents marred the surface, and dirt and grime had dulled its once deep blue color.

As time passed, I wondered if its original luster and beauty could be restored. I was sure its bumps could be eliminated, but what about the finish? So I began to experiment on some of the worst spots. Much to my delight, I discovered that with a lot of elbow grease and some rubbing compound my drab little Volkswagen could be brought to a beautiful shine.

We as Christians have the wonderful potential of reflecting the beauty of our Savior. But sin has left its mark on our personalities, and a lot of "road film" needs to be removed before the lovely character of Jesus can be seen in us.

God often brings about this change through the buffing of hardship and trials, for pressure has a way of loosening the dirt and grime of rebellion and selfishness. The Bible tells us that tribulation produces perseverance, character, hope, and confidence by the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:3-5).

We might wish that a speedy "car wash" could do the job, but there’s no substitute for the difficulties that can bring out the shine of Christlike character. – Dennis De Haan

What pains my dear Lord must be taking,

How true and how faithful His care;

I know if He gave me all sunshine

I could not His own image bear. – Beattie

READ: Job 23:8-27

A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without adversity.

The Bible in one year:

• Ecclesiastes 10-12

• Galatians 1

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