Meet the Tates

The eye cannot say to the hand, "I have no need of you"; nor again the head to the feet, "I have no need of you."– 1 Corinthians 12:21

Teamwork is essential in business and industry. To underscore this point, Co-op Magazine included this item: "You’ve heard of the corny Tate family. They pervade every organization. There is Dick Tate, who wants to run everything. Ro Tate tries to change everything, Agi Tate stirs up trouble whenever possible, and Irri Tate always lends him a hand.

"Whenever new ideas are suggested, Hesi Tate and Vegi Tate pour cold water on them. Imi Tate tries to mimic everyone, Devas Tate loves to be disruptive, and Poten Tate wants to be a big shot. But it’s Facili Tate, Cogi Tate, and Medi Tate who always save the day and get everyone pulling together."

A one-man show doesn’t get very far. But nowhere is this truth brought to a higher and more powerful fulfillment than in the body of Christ. The Scriptures teach that by God’s design all who are in Christ have been made dependent on one ano-ther. We may think we can go it on our own, but we can’t. We can’t fulfill our high calling as members of the body of Christ until we begin to realize that we all have a vital part to play. We are family. We need one another.

Lord, help us to overcome our stubborn pride. Teach us to cooperate – for our sake and for Yours. – Mart De Haan

If great and small work side by side

When it comes time to lend a hand,

And if they turn their backs on pride,

Christ’s servant-heart they’ll understand. – Branon

READ: 1 Corinthians 12:12-27

Coming together is a start;

keeping together is progress;

working together is success.

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