Only one option

Behold the proud, his soul is not upright in him; but the just shall live by his faith. – Habakkuk 2:4

If you were to ask several people to draw a crooked line on piece of paper, no two lines would be identical. There is a lesson in this: There are many ways to be crooked, but only one way to be straight.

The Lord tells us that the righteous person has only one option – to "live by his faith" (Habakkuk 2:4). In the chapter prior to this declaration from the Lord, the prophet Habakkuk had complained about the violence and injustice around him. It seemed as if the wicked were swallowing up the righteous (1:13).

God responded to Habakkuk by saying that His people were to be "just" and were to live by faith. They were not to be like the one who is "proud" and "not upright" (2:4). A proud and self-sufficient person will rationalize his faults and imperfections. He doesn’t want to admit that he needs God. His ways are crooked.

Wickedness seems to prevail in our world. God urges us to live our lives in faith, taking to heart His assurance to Habakkuk that there will be a day of reckoning for the wicked.

The only way to please God now and to be ready for that day of reckoning is to live by faith. – Albert Lee

Lord, grant me grace throughout this day

To walk the straight and narrow way,

To do whatever in Thy sight

Is good and perfect, just and right. – Huisman

READ: Habakkuk 1:1-24

The only right way is the straight and narrow way.

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