
He said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men."– Matthew 4:19

A skilled fly fisherman whips his line back and forth over his head. Then he releases the line and sets the fly-like lure down on the water’s surface exactly where he wants it. If he’s successful, a big rainbow trout will rise, strike the lure, and the fisherman will set the hook. The battle is on!

That’s one way to catch fish. Halibut fishermen use another method. They go out on the ocean and drop big baited hooks, sometimes as far down as 125 to 150 feet. When one of those big, flat fish goes for the bait and is hooked, he begins a long ride to the surface.

Jesus told Peter and Andrew to follow Him and He would make them "fishers of men" (MATTHEW 4:18-19). As followers of Christ today, we too are to be "fishing" for people in our world, using different methods to spread the good news. We are to be telling men and women, family and friends, young and old, about their sin, the love of God, and His offer of salvation through faith in Jesus.

Are you fishing for men? Have you tried different methods to tell others about Christ and the gospel? Have you reached out to your neighborhood and community with the good news? Keep following Jesus, and He’ll teach you how to fish. – David C. Egner

Thinking it over

Think of a way you can share Christ with people in your neighborhood, workplace, or school.

Talk it over with others, then go out and try it.

Read: Matthew 4:18-22

If you follow the Savior, He’ll teach you how to fish.

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