On wearing white

Put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering.


When I was growing up, wearing white in the US after Labor Day was a serious fashion blunder. So even though I love white clothes, every year I dutifully start putting them away at the end of August.

Late one year, while following a Bible-reading schedule, I came to ECCLESIASTES 9:8, which states, "Let your garments always be white." I smiled, ima-gining for a moment that the author was giving permission to wear white all year. But Solomon was not talking about fashion. He was instructing us to find joy in everything we do and to express it in ways that show faith in God even at times when life doesn’t seem to make sense.

One way we can do this is to observe the "fashion advice" of the apostle Paul. First-century Christians in Colosse had become confused. They were overly concerned with man-made rules, so Paul reminded them of the holy laws of God and gave them these instructions: "Put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering" (COLOSSIANS 3:12).

These are the commands of an infinite God, not the rules of finite humans. So if we put on these "clothes" every day, we’ll never be out of season. – Julie A. Link

Help us, O Lord, to live our lives

So people clearly see

Reflections of Your loving heart,

Your kindness, purity. – SPER


Christlikeness is always in season.

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