Desert of diversion

You have left your first love. Remember therefore from where you have fallen. – Revelation 2:4-5

Muynak was once a thriving fishing port on the Aral Sea. But today Muynak sits on the edge of a bitter, salty desert. Sand dunes are strewn with the rusted, hollow hulls of a fishing fleet that once sailed high above on the surface of Central Asia’s fountain of life.

Things began changing around 1960 when Soviet government planners started diverting the Arial’s water source to irrigate the world’s largest cotton belt. No one, however, envisioned the environmental disaster that would result. Weather has become more extreme, the growing season has been shortened by two months, and 80 percent of the region’s farmland has been ruined by salt storms that sweep in off the dry seabed.

What happened at Muynak parallels the history of the church of Ephesus. Once a thriving spiritual community, the Ephesian believers diverted their attention from Christ to the works they were doing in His name (REVELATION 2:2-4). They had lost sight of what was most important in their relationship with Christ – their love for Him.

Lord, help us to recognize and repent of whatever it is that diverts our attention from loving You. Flood the desert of our souls with Your living water. – Martin R. De Haan Ii

The works we do in Jesus’ name

And battles that are won

Will not be pleasing to the Lord

Unless in love they’re done. – Sper


To renew your love for Christ, review Christ’s love for you.

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