Signet ring

I will take you . . and will make you like a signet ring; for I have chosen you.– Haggai 2:20-23

In some ancient kingdoms, a king who wanted to mark or secure a document with his seal used his signet ring. He pressed it into softened wax and allowed it to harden into an unbroken seal that bore the mark of his ring. The signet ring represented the honor, authority, and personal guarantee of the king, so it was highly valued.

In HAGGAI 2:23, we read that God said He would make Zerubbabel "like a signet ring". This was an incredible statement, because the Lord had pronounced judgment on his grandfather Coniah (Jehociahin) and his family line (JE-REMIAH 22:24-30). God had said that even if Coniah were a signet ring, He would still pull him off.

Years later, though, Zerubbabel led a group of Jews back to Jerusalem after their exile in Babylon. Because of his obedience to God and his efforts to rebuild the temple, the Lord referred to Zerubbabel as a valued signet ring (HAGGAI 2:23).

We know that God is just and that sin carries its consequences. But we must not forget that God is also merciful and blesses those who do what He asks them to do.

When we are obedient to the Lord, we too can experience the joy of being like God’s signet ring – pleasing to Him and useful for His purpose. – Albert Lee

O what can I give to the Master,

The One who from sin set me free?

I’ll give Him a lifetime of service

To thank Him for dying for me. – K. De Haan

READ: HAGGAI 2:20-23

The way of obedience is the way of blessing.

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