Powerful lesson

Whatever things are of good report, . . . meditate on these things.

– Philippians 4:8

In 1892, John Hyde boarded a ship in New York harbor and set out for India. His goal was to proclaim the gospel to people who had not heard about Jesus. During the next 20 years he earned the nickname "Praying Hyde" because he often spent hours and even many days in prayer for the salvation of nonbelievers and the revival of Christ’s followers.

On one occasion, Hyde was upset about the spiritual coldness of pastor, so he began to pray, "O Father, you know how could –" But it was as if a finger stopped his lips from uttering the man’s name.

Hyde was horrified when he realized that he had judged the man harshly. He confessed his critical spirit and then determined not to focus on the shortcomings of others but to see them as individuals whom God loves. Hyde asked the Lord to show him things that were "of good report" (Philippians 4:8) in the pastor’s life, and he praised God for the man’s virtues. Hyde learned later that during this exact time the pastor’s spiritual life was revitalized.

Let’s not be faultfinders – even in prayer. We can follow Paul’s example of focusing on what God has done and what He can do in the lives of others (Ephesians 1:17-21). Instead of praying against people, let’s pray for them.

– Joanie E. Yoder

Father, give me the wisdom to know

how to pray

for others – with kindness, not criticism;

with love, not anger; with grace,

not judgment.
READ: Ephesians 1:15-21

Be a grace-giver, not a faultfinder.

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