Taking care of our elderly

Whether we like it or not, eventually our parents become older. They become sick, weak and frail and, the older they get, certain conditions come with the need for more attention, more love, more understanding, more patience which form part of the essential ingredients in providing them with quality elderly care.

I came across a series of short videos on Tiktok on a Filipino-American man named Chris Punsalan who has been taking care of his 96-year-old grandmother full time. While he takes short breaks every now and then and does some production work from home, Chris is showing the world one of the most endearing traits of Filipinos, which is love for family.

On many occasions we all can be witnesses to the fact that the Philippines is unique when it comes to taking care of our elderly. There is always someone in our family who takes on the job while cutting away from their usual routine. Nevertheless, unlike other countries, we Filipinos could never find it in our hearts to leave our aging parents or grandparents in a nursing home; at most this is the usual case in our country.

It was really heartwarming to see Chris’ videos on Tiktok as he daily and devotedly cares for his grandma, which is proving to be an amazing example for our youth. While Chris seems to make it all look so fun and easy, just watching the daily routines also looks quite difficult yet, at the same time, difficult or not, it is done with so much joy and gratitude.

With its many demands, elderly care can be strenuous but it is still important to provide them with what they deserve for their own health, safety and well-being. It’s simply nice to see how the young generation such as Chris shows his appreciation for his grandmother by attending to her needs.

Filipino heritage is best showcased in the way we treat our elders who in turn impart traditions and ideals that have been fundamental to our family history and our own personal identity. Our elders have been through things we can’t imagine and over the years, they have weathered the many storms of life and their experiences provide precious life lessons. Taking the time to heed what they say and learn from their life experiences provide us wisdom and in turn, when we listen to them, they feel a sense of belongingness and a sense of purpose and look forward to the days ahead with love and support instead of dread and uncertainty.

In the end, taking care of our elders is the right thing to do and having the proper support in doing so is a big bonus as they feel even more loved. For whatever it’s worth, I learned that taking care of the elderly has its own benefits, as it is good for our own mental health, not to mention the physical gains as it is a good form of exercise.

If we look at the community as a whole, taking care of our elders provides us with additional support we too need. Senior citizens, for example, help us busy professionals in caring for our children while we hustle in everyday life and provide us with capable services such as running a few errands here and there that can allow us to have some time for rest.

Giving proper time and care for our elders is our way of showing respect and honor to those who have sacrificed so much in their lives and, more importantly, it is a responsibility firmly rooted in Filipino society, wherever they may be in any part of the world.

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