Let the Tiger tame Omicron

Tomorrow we roar into the Year of the Tiger. But with public festivities mostly cancelled and private gatherings discouraged amidst the surge in COVID cases due to the Omicron variant, it could be more of a whimper.

The Tiger is the third in the 12-animal Chinese zodiac cycle. The first two years of this cycle – starting with the Rat on Jan. 25, 2020 and continuing with the Ox on Feb. 12, 2021 – have not been auspicious, being as it were the years of COVID, with the first cases coming out of Wuhan around the New Year celebration in 2020.

Tigers are majestic creatures, strong and powerful and fearless, and those born under this sign are supposed to be imbued with these characteristics. The Tiger is associated with the Yang energy, which could mean big changes and bursts of energy after the slow and deliberate plodding of the Ox. Hopefully the tide of COVID will change this year, with the energy of the Tiger taming this nasty virus.

But while the Tiger may make one big, explosive leap to capture a prey, remember that it first patiently lies in wait, observing its prey and calculating the optimum time to strike. Thus, while we may all be raring to go out to celebrate and live life once again, we have to calculate the risks before we take action.

It used to be that families did not want daughters born in the year of the Tiger, since they were not sought after for marriage, as Tiger daughters-in-law were seen as too bold and aggressive and might just “eat up” the husband and his family. But these days, perhaps a Tiger – male or female – is just what we need to free us from the grip of COVID and get our economy – and our life – roaring again. By the way, Queen Elizabeth is a Tiger, and so is Lady Gaga.

Since I and most of my family were Omicron’d in the past month, we’re counting on hybrid immunity and gathering for dinner tonight around my large table, so we can properly socially distance. It will be the first time in a while that we all gather around our family hearth, and I hope this signals a change for the better – better opportunities, better mobility, a better life all around as we emerge from this pandemic.

May the Year of the Tiger bring you good health, good cheer and bountiful blessings. Zhu ni xin nian kuai leh!

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