Thoughts to guide us by

(For May 2020)

Faith heals! Faith exudes excitement and enthusiasm, that makes a person feel optimistic. Medical studies reveal that optimistic patients heal better and faster than depressed patients.

Optimism has some force that burns out infection, while depression increases possibility of infection by at least tenfold.

Sick people with confident, optimistic attitude have that strange power over illnesses. Optimism and faith are great elements to achieving good health. Medical science and the science of faith are vital elements in healing.... they are powerful factor to overcome sickness and establish good health!

Visualize yourself or your loved one in perfect health, radiant with love and goodness of God. Let this picture of health sink....

Nine-tenths of the mind is in the subconscious. What we believe and picture in our subconscious... is what we usually get!

Make your faith control your subconscious, for it only gives back what your real thoughts are. Just like a computer, what you put into it, is what comes out!

The affirmative faith fueled by God’s assuring love releases deep spiritual power and joy. Joy, by itself, possesses healing power. Keep the faith. Be joyful!

Peace, good health, safety and abundance for us all!

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