Thoughts to guide us by (For January 2016)

The 2015 gate has closed! With it went the flood of memories we want to linger on; others, to bury in the dustbin of memories!

A new beginning has dawned! A new change is coming! As we cross the bridge of 2016 – let us approach it brimming with ultimate enthusiasm. To look ahead with vibrant hope that things will be much better for our beloved country and all Filipinos!

To open our minds and hearts to the bountiful blessings and challenges each moment will bring. Lift our spirit high! Let it soar high with renewed strengthened hope, and firm resolve to make the BEST we can …

YES! We can! For the little things we say and do can spell a big difference in our lives, in others’ lives, and in our beloved country. Be responsible! Be genuinely concerned! Be patriotic! Be the BEST we can to pole-vault into 2016 successfully, prosperously! To make our crossing of the 2016 bridge happy enjoyable … sprinkle our journey with smiles, laughter, love … and be blessed with peace and prosperity!

Peace and abundance! A Happy, Prosperous New Year to you all!


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