More prudent and wise moves

There are really enough good reasons for asking Benigno Simeon Aquino III to step down as President of this country. We cannot fault those calling for his resignation even if there are still about 499 days left before the end of his term of office. But resignation is a voluntary act and thus entirely depends upon Aquino III himself. Apparently he is not willing to step down. And so we just have to tolerate him for the next one year and four months with the hope that our country will be spared from further outrageous, revolting and distressing occurrences clearly showing his inability to discharge the function of a President particularly in: corruption as symbolized by the DAP and the PDAF, the kabarkada, kabarilan and kaibigan; delayed and deficient disaster response as in Yolanda; and the incapability in maintaining peace and order and the rule of law as in Zamboanga and Mamasapano,tragic incidents.

To be sure, a President who is unable to discharge the functions of his office may also be legally removed but it may result in a constitutional crisis if the President like Aquino III is unwilling to admit such inability. The only way to resolve this emergency situation is for the majority of the members of the Cabinet to transmit to the Senate President and the Speaker of the House their written declaration of such inability. And if the President still insists that no such inability exists he shall reassume his position. But if the majority of the Cabinet members still believe and again transmit a written declaration of such inability, Congress will then convene and determine by a vote of two-thirds of both Houses voting separately that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office (Section 11 Article VII Constitution).

Under the present set up where the Cabinet is beholden to  Aquino III and where almost all members of both Houses of Congress also appear to be virtually under his control, this mode of removal from office also looks quite impossible to succeed. The most orderly, feasible and legitimate way to get rid of him is really to just wait until June 30, 2016 when his term ends. In the meantime let us just grin and bear everything as we Filipinos have been used to do even to the extent of humorously accepting every difficult situation that may still happen.

Besides, considering that in case of P-Noy’s resignation or inability to discharge the powers and duties of the Office the President, a Vice President with questionable record in corrupt practices, shall become the President to serve the unexpired term, it would indeed be much better and more preferable indeed to just let Aquino III finish his term and simply focus on the coming Presidential elections to ensure that we will be choosing the right candidate this time.

In the meantime, the most pressing problem that we should face and try to solve and which P-Noy should also pursue is the seemingly unending quest for peace in our land. Bringing peace and order in our country may be one of the worthy legacies that P-Noy can still leave us when he finally ends his term.

But definitely this is not the kind of peace that he seems bent on pursuing and reaching with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) especially in the aftermath of the tragic and deplorable Mamasapano massacre of the SAF 44. The MILF’s complicity in such massacre in partnership with the BIFF which seceded from it, clearly and undoubtedly show that it cannot be a trusted party in achieving a lasting, comprehensive and durable peace. This administration should better rethink its position of doggedly pursuing the peace process and implementing the peace accord with the MILF unless it shows more sincerity and good faith especially in giving justice to the fallen SAF 44.

At this stage, P-Noy should listen to as many voices and suggestions of concerned Filipinos who long for true and lasting peace in this land especially in Mindanao. Among these groups which recently came out with a “Statement on the Peace Process in Mindanao” is the association of retired Ambassadors of the Philippines or the Philippine Ambassadors’ Foundation Inc. (PAFI) whose primary purpose is precisely to discuss and give advice on foreign policy issues affecting our country.

In its recent “Statement”, the PAFI announced that it “supports continued good faith negotiations and vigorous efforts for just and lasting peace and sustained development in Mindanao.” And for this purpose our retired ambassadors issued the following reminders or advice:

“1. That Congress of the Philippines has the paramount duty to ensure that any revised organic law for the region in Muslim Mindanao is in accordance with the Philippine Constitution and will lead to genuine peace and prosperity for the entire nation.

2.That enhanced autonomy is only devolution of power and does not allow partition of Philippine territory.

3.That the Mamasapano tragedy underscores the urgent need for confidence-building measures, including by the MILF, to gain the trust of the Filipino people in the peace process.

4.That Congress of the Philippines should continue its consultations with all stakeholders, which should include drawing lessons from the experience of the 2001 Expanded Organic Act for the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.

5.That the President should exercise due prudence and sensitivity in the peace process in view of the implications for the future peace, integrity, and prosperity, of the Philippines.

6.That the Philippine Government should regain ownership and leadership of the peace process”.

Hopefully, this administration should listen to these precious “words of wisdom” from these people whose love of country has already been tried and tested.



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