EDITORIAL - Minimum demands

The “minimum demands” were enumerated by the President and commander-in-chief three days after the slaughter of 44 police commandos: identify the killers and return the weapons and personal belongings of the dead.

More than a week later, President Aquino has given a more direct demand to the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, whose members together with the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters – all along believed to be the MILF’s breakaway faction – butchered the 44 Special Action Force commandos on Jan. 25 in Mamasapano, Maguindanao.

The SAF killed Jemaah Islamiyah terrorist Zulkifli bin Hir, alias Marwan, but his JI cohort Basit Usman escaped. Amid widespread suspicions that Usman is also being harbored by the MILF, the President said the other night that he wanted the terrorist handed over to authorities. Having professed to be a partner for peace, the MILF must at least help the government find Usman, or step aside so the fugitive can be arrested, the President said. For those “who have lost their way” and would stand in the way, he warned, the state would run them over.

So far the MILF has not turned over any of the SAF weapons – which are owned by taxpayers – or the personal belongings of the slain men that were looted as their heads were smashed and their ears and limbs severed by their killers. The MILF has insisted that Marwan was killed, but conclusive identification would be much easier if the group would produce the remains for confirmation. This has not been done.

Considering the circumstances of the Mamasapano massacre, the minimum demands of the President are reasonable. Any group that claims to want peace should have no major difficulty in complying with the demands and renouncing any support for terrorism.

The Philippines has suffered from JI attacks since the Rizal Day bombings in 2000 when the terrorist cell, together with the MILF, set off bombs in a Light Rail Transit coach in Sta. Cruz and Plaza Ferguson in Manila as well as Makati and the NAIA cargo handling area, killing 22 people and wounding more than 100. Renouncing ties to terrorists is one of the most crucial aspects of committing to peace. So far the MILF has been found wanting in its commitment.


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