What's done is done

Before anything else, allow me to express my deep gratitude to the management of this widely read newspaper for affording me the opportunity and space to share my thoughts and opinions with our readers. As we know, columnists share their opinion and take a stand. Many may disagree with us, some may share our views, and others may not care. But the many different opinions and ideas are what add to the vibrancy and variety of the newspaper, and I am proud to have the chance to share my own thoughts with one of the best papers in the world, a paper that has been my second home for nearly two decades. From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank my colleagues and friends who shared my desperate moments when I was confined in the hospital and who helped see me through. I can never repay you enough for your help and prayers. And, above all, I would like to thank the Almighty for his mercy and for giving me a second lease on life. Here is to making the most out of it.

These days one can’t help but be drawn into the news seen on the front pages of the paper daily. The withdrawal of our ships from Scarborough Shoal in the Southeast Sea, a move hailed by the Chinese government, is no reason for celebration. It is a sign of retreat. That is how the Chinese are seeing it despite what we say, and they have maintained that their ships are staying put. Then again, what choice does the Philippines have? We are facing a Goliath that holds the purse strings to several investments here and in other countries. Though we have a good relationship with the US, we also must remember that much of Chinese money is invested in big business in the United States. If push comes to shove and armed conflict does occur, we should dispel the notion that the US will come to our aid.

With the power of the economic squeeze on their side, if it truly came to blows it is highly doubtful the US would come to the aid of the Philippines and risk losing their Chinese investments. With that much money on the line, it’s far more believable that the Americans will throw us to the sharks despite talks of coming to our aid. These two nations are far too intertwined monetarily to engage in armed conflict over a “pawn”. As much as they may want to help, that is the reality of the situation and it’s best to face facts and not put too much stock in promises made. Even as I write this, many of our ASEAN neighbors are already siding with the Chinese.

Which brings me to another confusing conflict right here in the Philippines. The face-off between Camp John Hay and the Bases Conversion Development Administration is turning into a farce costing a lot of money on both sides. While each side firmly believes they are in the right, the back and forth is not benefiting anybody and it’s the public that is suffering from all the bickering. The best thing they can do is find a way to resolve their conflict. No one is winning at this point.

And speaking of winning, who can forget the recently concluded sensational Pacquiao-Bradley fight? Boxing is a bizarre sport. Although many boxers throughout history have rightfully found their place in the boxing hall of fame, there are also many who believe that they were robbed of their would-be glory by the judges, the organization, or even just by circumstances.

Many in the boxing world, myself included, believe that in his latest bout, Manny Pacquiao should have easily won over challenger Timothy Bradley. Two of the three judges, however, saw it otherwise. The numbers don’t lie. Manny delivered more power punches and landed more crucial shots. These were not enough though to make the two judges vote in his favor. Though all the fans and many boxing experts around the world saw it a clear win for Manny, Duane Ford and C.J. Ross still gave the bout to Bradley with a 115-113 scorecard that baffled fans and boxing analysts the world over.

Those of us watching the match here in the Philippines were dumbfounded at the results and our cries echoed the boos and shouts of discontent all over Las Vegas. Even promoter Bob Arum, who handles both boxers, was dismayed about the decision saying it was not a close enough fight for this kind of mistake to be made and that everyone involved in boxing should be ashamed.

The controversial decision at the end of the bout gave birth to an outpouring of anger and discontent with the entire boxing world with both experts or regular fans alike. Celebrities on Twitter voiced their unhappiness and words liked “rigged” and “fixed” were thrown around cyberspace by the millions. How is it that what everyone in the entire world seems to have seen was missed by the people who had the best seats in the house?

Still, at the end of the day, the decision has been made. Shocked as the world is, the results are in and Timothy Bradley now has the WBO Welterweight belt. There will be anger, articles, outcries, and protests, and maybe even investigations into the judging process, but the fact remains that, controversial decision or not, Manny Pacquiao has added another defeat onto his record and at the end of the day that is the statistic people will remember in the annals of boxing history.

A lot of the anger now is unfortunately akin to crying over spilled milk. True, we are upset and we feel our boxing idol was robbed but there is really nothing to be done about it now. Roach and Manny’s other supporters will launch their complaint and a review will be conducted but unless there is solid proof of bribing or otherwise, the judges’ decision will stand. As horrible as it is, perhaps this will serve as a wake-up call to the champ. Even if you feel you are well ahead on the cards, never coast or take it easy during a match. Make it clear beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are the true winner and if you worry even a little that the decision may not go your way, don’t let it go to the judges. As Freddie Roach told Manny going into the final round “knock this guy out.”

 As for the rest of the world, well, as time progresses we’ll forget this speed bump. Manny’s next match will be set whether it be the re-match against Bradley or the dream match against Floyd Mayweather Jr. is anyone’s guess (interestingly enough even Mayweather Sr. had the bout in Manny’s favor). This fight will fade into memory and all history will show is that in May 2012 of his career Manny lost a fight to a young, as yet, relatively unknown boxer.

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