Strange things happening in the spirit world

Strange and mysterious things are happening these days. In a meeting with the Task Force for Life and Family (TFLF) last Wednesday night, Tita Aurora “Auring” Yap revealed to us a strange phenomenon that happened last Saturday afternoon at the Theotokos Center in Perrelos, Carcar when the church organist took a photo of the Blessed Virgin Mary using his cellphone at the top of the hill. Strangely, since he did not make a sign of the cross, the cellphone camera only showed an empty pedestal. Hmmm, where did Mama Mary go... or perhaps she didn’t want her photo taken?

Fearing something was amiss the organist prayed one Our Father and three Hail Marys and took the photo once more. Viola! This time, the photo had the Blessed Virgin Mary in her full splendor. Tita Auring asked the organist to send a Bluetooth of this photo and she showed it to us last Wednesday evening and all I can say is, strange things are happening around us, especially with the spirit world.

The book entitled “To the Priests: Our Lady’s Beloved Sons, The Marian Movement of Priests,” which my late mother Ascension Segura Avila bequeathed to me, talks about Fr. Stefano Gobbi’s inner locution about Cebu and the Philippines. This is what the Blessed Virgin Mary said to him, in chapter 201 page 275-276, “Look at this immense archipelago, and see how my work has also spread here, in an extraordinary way. You behold my marvels in every part of the world. I also revealed to you the times and places where the triumph of my Immaculate Heart is being realized.

Look at the hearts and the souls of all these children of mine; they are so faithful to Jesus, so devoted to me, and so united to the Church. Through them the light of my Heart is spreading through all the countries of this continent. I have a great design on this people. They please me with their simplicity, their devotion, their great poverty, their humility and patience. I am the Mother of all peoples. I look at the hearts of nations to gather the seeds of good and to make them blossom in the garden of my Immaculate Heart, that I may save them in greater numbers, at the time of the decisive trial, when some of these will disappear from the face of the earth.

I look with tenderness and with joy at these children of mine, and I bring you into their midst to hold cenacles of prayer and to renew together the consecration to my Immaculate Heart. Your coming is a sign of my special presence at their side. Give to me all the crowns of fragrant flowers with which they encircle you. They are signs of the great crown of love, which they take from me the painful crown of thorns. With you are the guardian angels, who lead you into the light, so that my garden may soon be filled with flowers. And then the church and the world will see the masterpiece of love, which for the present I am jealously guarding in my Immaculate Heart.”

That Christianity found its roots in Cebu wasn’t an accident, but a Divine plan. Today, Cebuanos are leading the first in this spirit world against the good and evil. Notable amongst these, is our fight against the Reproductive Health (RH) bill wherein somehow, our political establishment and the Catholic Clergy are united by God’s grace. Let us all keep on praying the Rosary everyday and ask for peace at least in this part of the world… a peace that only our Immaculate Mother can bestow to us.

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Ombudsman Conchita Carpio Morales maybe a feisty woman and a former associate Justice… but for all her stature, she showed us an offensive smugness that betrays a hidden agenda in trying to pin down her former Supreme Court colleague, Chief Justice Renato Corona. She came to court bearing evidence that CJ Corona has 82 accounts in 5 banks, as presented to her by the complainants against CJ Corona. But what kind of complaint did she get from those characters?

Last Wednesday night, I was watching a replay of the impeachment trial and it was indeed Reality TV at its best when no less than the fiery senator-judge Miriam Defensor Santiago fumed fire and venom against the first complainant, Harvey Keh of “Kaya Natin! Movement for giving the Senate court supposed confidential records of CJ Corona’s bank statements, the evidence he gave to the Ombudsman, which apparently could not be authenticated.

In short, Harvey Keh gave the Ombudsman evidence that cannot hold water in any court. They are nothing but mere fabrication. Well, finally the nation will see the Chief Justice take the witness stand in what I would call a make-or-break drama that could end peacefully or… erupt into something more sinister depending on the outcome. God help our country!

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