From diplomat to educator

 Thanks to Ma’am Isabel Trenas for wishing me well in a brief but heartwarming e-mail. God bless you, too, Ma’am Isabel.


 I read with great interest Mr. Pablo S. Tinga’s article on political butterflies (TF, Reader’s Views, April 30/12) and found his recollection of city politics good reading.


 Serging Osmeña’s men who tried to pull him down from his perch as Cebu’s political kingpin all failed in their effort. The butterflies did keep their wings and continued to fly, but to nowhere.


 Rep. Manny Pacquiao is the richest (billionaire) lower house member. There are many millionaires in Congress. But Mike Enriquez says, and he’s right, only Pacquiao has shown to the whole world how he made his billions.


 In the Senate, it’s still Sen. Manny Villar who’s the richest. Apparently, the millions he spent during his campaign for the presidency was just a drop in his bucket.


 A woman fell into a manhole while texting as she walked. She blamed her government for not covering the hole. Who’s right or wrong here?


 There are many families in Manila who’re living under the bridge. “It’s safer here than living above the bridge,” said a member of a bridge-family who said she lost his right leg in an accident above the bridge.

 This particular bridge-family (so called) was interviewed by a foreign TV network. “Nakakahiya,” said one family member. But she was praised by the interviewer for her influency in English.


 Media’s good friend “Amba” Frank Benedicto has been focusing of late his attention on the education of the youth. He has been giving much of his quality time on the fast rising Benedicto College, which has been gaining praise and respect in the local academic community.


One TV talk show I seldom miss (meaning sometimes I miss because of health reasons) is Clear Out Tonight on CCTN Ch. 47. Doing the clearing out are my good friends John Rey Saavedra, Manny de los Santos Rabacal and Atty. Fritz Quinanola. They’re not only good talkers, they always walk the talk. Keep it up, idols.

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