Editorial - Why the sudden Church meekness?

Two disturbing issues on both the local and national fronts have not elicited a reaction from the Roman Catholic Church, which is surprising considering that one issue involves one of its own, the other a matter that has become one of its favorite preoccupations.

The local issue involves sex, and a priest who engages in it alternately with two women at the very back of his church. The national issue involves politics, specifically the war on the Supreme Court waged by President Aquino and his allies in the House of Representatives.

The local issue involves a moral question that the Church needs to deal with openly if it is to protect what is left of its credibility. Refusing to be open about the issue will lead to suspicions it is sweeping the matter under the rug because it involves one of their own.

The national issue deals with the sincerity of the Church, as well as its capacity to discern the really important things, especially over matters like politics that, while not part of its ministry, it has chosen to engage in frequently and liberally.

Failure by the Church to deal with both issues squarely, fairly and resolutely opens its very own relevance to the risk of erosion. The Church cannot remain smug at the thought that the faithful still appears to be steadfast in their faith.

The faith of Filipinos remains strong and steadfast. Their numbers are even increasing. But the human bodies that fill up churches on Sundays are there in communion with God, not as a vote of confidence on priests.

If priests only hear the snide remarks people say behind their backs, they would tremble to their core of their bones. Priests must realize it is never a comforting thought to become increasingly isolated from the respect people normally reserve for the keepers of their faith.

The Church must deal with the offending priest openly, if only to reassure the faithful it is not playing favorites and being hypocritical. And it must make an unequivocal stand on the political crisis with the same passion and swiftness with which it normally meddles in politics.

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