The Magalona legacy

The following essay is by Joseph R. Atilano, an authority on popular music.

Elmo Magalona is certainly on the right track in his music career. But it can’t be based only on his lineage — he being a second generation actor and musician following in the footsteps of his late father, Francis M. Elmo is clearly starting not only to make a name for himself in acting and hosting but also, and more importantly, in something that runs deep in his blood — namely, making music. He has the genes for it and loads of potential yet to be fully discovered. Take note that I use the words — “to be fully discovered”. That he is still at the developing stage of his music career and is only 17 years old proves he will still improve more and more.

A telling indicator that his rap skills are already superior was his performance of “Teach Me How To Dougie” by Cali Swag District on the noon time show “Eat Bulaga” a few weeks back. I don’t think I can recall any other local talent in recent memory who is as good for his age when it comes to Elmo’s vocal presence and enunciation. These are quite similar to those of his late father in some aspects but, upon taking a closer look at that said performance, it’s only then you would notice the subtle differences. Elmo’s style is more of a representation of the current scene in hip-hop today. The fact that he can actually rap live and does not lip-synch and has a certain amount of command on stage are commendable and positive signs that he is making music the right way.

Someone as promising as Elmo, in my opinion, is most suitable performing live, composing original songs, and will also do exemplarily well collaborating with other recognized rappers in the local hip-hop scene today — some of whom were even able to collaborate with his father and record songs with him. You have the likes of Pikaso, Krazykyle, Audible, Mike Swift, Gloc-9, and Dice and K9, just to name a few. I think if Elmo is given the chance to collaborate with any of the above-mentioned rappers and acts, then he would already have a hit single and a song that would surely climb the charts as soon as it gets its rotation on radio stations and air-play on music channels. Not only would it be a hit record, it would also further help build the name of Elmo Magalona in the hip-hop community, and give him more credibility and respect among his music peers. Don’t get me wrong, his last name is already very much respected and practically an institution in itself not only in the hip-hop community but also in the entire OPM industry.

But in time, I believe he will be immediately recognized not only for his last name, but also for his skills on the mic as an MC. I am actually quite surprised why he has yet to release a full-length album because he has the intangibles and already a massive fan base created on his own merit and hard work. A major label debut from Elmo would be something a lot of people from different walks of life, including insiders would look forward to in the music industry. With that said, sometimes I can’t help but wonder why some legitimate talents don’t immediately get the opportunities they deserve in an industry while some artists are immediately pushed to release an album despite their not possessing exemplary talent to make that successful transition from actor to recording artist. Surprisingly, Elmo has yet to be afforded that chance to release a major label debut. I hope the record producers and major labels don’t pass him up on this one. Just because he doesn’t always cover current top 20 hits doesn’t mean Elmo does not deserve to have a record deal. In fact, to a certain degree, he is “going against the grain” to what is in demand today by the masses and he is sticking to his element which is hip-hop.

That is appropriate to say the least, and it makes complete sense because his late father is the main pioneer of Filipino hip-hop who broke ground with the first commercially released Filipino rap album. Francis M paved the way for the upcoming generations of rappers and he continues to be an inspiration — to this day — for all of us because of his lyrical prowess, nationalism and love for country.

I was truly saddened at the time of his passing and I felt that “a light was snuffed” because he was really a guiding beacon to a lot of aspiring rappers, and musicians in general, and a huge void was left behind because of his passing. But Elmo in some way serves to rekindle that light and that’s why I think we sometimes look to his children as a means of reminding us of Francis M’s legacy and of somehow filling the void he left behind. But in the same way, we are also reminded that his children — especially Elmo — have the talent. And just like his father, Elmo is also excelling in different professional fields. I am looking forward to witnessing the natural progression and evolution of Elmo especially when it comes to music. He has a limitless upside and I believe that — as Francis M became an icon and is now a certified legend — Elmo can also, to some extent and to a certain degree, become that too in the years to come. And as he continues to discover and fully develop all his talents, that’s when we will see the peak of Elmo’s career. We can only speculate how good he will become in the future; only time will tell. But we are all rooting for his success in the endeavors he chooses. In my opinion, as long as Elmo is surrounded by positive people in the industry and by those thinking of his best interests, he will eventually garner awards and more recognition just as his father did.

Another important role his father played was collaborating with numerous musicians ranging from MCs, DJs, bands to singers, and mentoring new talents behind the scenes. That is one of the reasons why Francis M became an inspiration to a lot of people. He generously shared his knowledge and wisdom in the years he spent in different roles in the music industry with numerous musicians in order for each to achieve his own individual recognition. In my opinion, I think Elmo could also fill in that role in the future. Indeed, Francis M has lived on through his wonderful children and his legacy will remain intact because of them. I am sure the “Master Rapper” is smiling down upon all his children as they carry the Magalona name with pride.

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