CBP checking 'papers' on trains and buses

Some people are afraid to fly, not out of fear for their physical safety, but out of concern that the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is at the airport, and if the person is out of status, he or she may be “caught”. So, many of these people think that it is “safer” to take an Amtrak train or Greyhound bus to their destination. However, recently, the Miami Herald reported that there is an increase in CBP searches of passengers on Amtrak and Greyhound buses, and that people who are found to be “illegal” are “removed” from the train or bus, and then removed from the US.

In one case, a 19-year-old illegal alien boarded a Greyhound bus from Atlanta to Miami. At about 5 a.m., and just one stop before her final destination, several CBP agents boarded the bus, announcing that they would be checking the passengers’ IDs. One of the CBP officers walked directly toward her. She was taken into custody, and spent the next 76 days in detention, facing removal proceedings. 

Although immigration searches on public transportation sites are not widely publicized, apparently this appears to be one of the latest immigration crackdowns: “grabbing them from public transportation, mainly Greyhound and Amtrak”. A CBP spokesperson noted that agents have the authority to conduct immigration checks in “public places”, which include buses and trains, and many immigration attorneys are noting a significant increase in the number of people “caught” on trains and buses.

I know that there are many people in the US who are in illegal status, and “living in the shadows”. They cannot get a decent job, driver’s license, and now it is becoming more and more difficult to travel. I would encourage these people to seek the advice of a reputable attorney, who can evaluate their situation, and, while there are no “guarantees,” perhaps the person could be eligible for a green card under existing law. I know that at my office, people come every day for consultations, and we were able to find ways for many of them to legalize their status, even though they may have already given up hope. But maybe there is hope for you! And if not for yourself, at least do it for the sake of your children, who may also be in illegal status.  

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Four offices to serve you:  PHILIPPINES: 8940258 or 8940239; LOS ANGELES; SAN FRANCISCO; NEW YORK : TOLL FREE NUMBER: 1-866-GURFINKEL (1-866-487-3465)

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