Let not the Azkal spirit fade away

Here’s another proof that we’re not really a country of poor people. Millions of pesos representing winnings in the sweepstakes and lotto have not been claimed by the winners and have been forfeited.

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It is not a sign of poverty for anyone to throw away millions after winning in the sweepstakes and the lotto.

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The month of August has been declared Anti-Mendicancy Month. Don’t take it to mean that no one is allowed to be poor or to be a mendicant.

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Levity aside, the celebration of the Anti-Mendicancy Month seeks to stress the need to reduce mendicancy in the country, including Cebu where the Anti-Mendicancy Board has noted an increase in the number of beggars in the city.

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There were only 757 nutrition graduates who took the PRC licensure exam, 507 passed. Considering that, according to newspaper reports, nutrition is a major problem of the country, isn’t it wise for the government to drum up interest among our students to consider taking up the nutrition course in college?

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This question was thrown to me by Dr. Tanya Renaldo who thinks there’s an imperative need for more nutritionists in PHL. I think so, too. But how acceptable are nutritionists abroad, where many, if not most, of our college graduates want to go?

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It says here that PNoy has given executive clemency to a dead convict. The clemency came four days too late. In this connection, let me cite a saying that goes: “Of what use is the grass if the horse is already dead?”

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So, okay, the PHL Azkals lost to Kuwait again. But the discerning and qualified observers do not mind the loss. Fact is most of them believe that the Azkals have learned a lot from their World Cup qualifying experience and this has contributed a great deal to the “rebirth,” as it were, of football in this country.

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Dr. Rene Jaraula, a Cebuano who played football in Malaysia during his prime, said the fact that the Azkals have stirred the imagination of Pinoys re football is enough gain for the sport.

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Dr. Jaraula and many other observers hope for the continued support for football that was kicked off by the Azkals. “The Azkal spirit should not be allowed to fade away,” said Dr. Jaraula. “Let this be nurtured until football becomes a sport for Pinoys to love even in the rain.” Yes, continue believing.

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